Chapter 110

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Chapter 110


Rin and I were walking around the schoolyard when we spotted Gumi, Yuma, Miku and Kaito by the bushes.

"What do you think's going on?" Rin whispered as we approached the greenery. I shrugged.

"Yes!" Somebody exclaimed at the top of their lungs, making us both jump. Yuma and Gumi fell back and out of the bushes, startled. Miku just stared.

"Kaito, you didn't have to be so loud!" She scolded, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him out of the shadows.

"Thank you, Yuma, thank you!" Kaito was weeping and grinning, "May God rain ice cream down upon you!"

" thanks...," Yuma frowned, clearing his throat, "I'm just glad it makes sense."

"It does, it does!" Kaito nodded furiously, "To celebrate, we should all go and eat ice cream! Hey, Rin, Len! You two should join us!"

I looked at Rin and she beamed. "Why not?" She said, taking my hand.

"To be honest, I could use something sweet," Gumi smiled at Yuma, who nodded slowly in agreement.

"I guess one cone of leek ice cream couldn't hurt," Miku frowned. Kaito helped her up and we all headed out of the schoolyard.

"So Kaito," Rin began, looking at the ice cream lover, "Were you just studying for the quiz next period?"

He nodded. "Now I won't need a coffin after next period!"

"It's just a quiz, you know," Rin smirked, "Not a test..."

"My grade is low enough as it is!" Kaito answered, "You're getting an eighty-seven, and I'm...I'm barely passing!"

"I wish I was good at math," Miku mused, "Then I could help you, Kaito."

"It's okay, princess," he kissed her on the cheek, "As long as I've got you, I'll be fine!"

We all got in line in front of the ice cream truck, and judging by the way the owner's eyes sparkled at the sight of us, he was thrilled to have such a huge group showing up all at once.

Kaito was first, mostly because he couldn't wait. He got a vanilla cone and then waited for Miku, who got a leek one. I was next, and obviously, I got a banana flavoured ice cream cone. Rin got orange, and then came Gumi and Yuma's turn.

"Which one should I pick?" Gumi asked the pink haired boy, "I mean, the others are fine; Len likes bananas, Rin likes oranges, Kaito loves all ice cream, and Miku likes leeks..."

Yuma shrugged. "I'm thinking the exact same thing."

Gumi looked up at the owner. "Do you have anything track and field flavoured?"

"Wouldn't that taste like grass and dirt?" Miku wondered out loud, licking her leek cone, "And maybe shoes?"

"I'm afraid of loquats...," Yuma put a hand through his hair and looked at Gumi, "I had a dream that one sprouted out of my head one day..."

"Try this one," Kaito walked up to them and pointed to the flavour list that was painted onto the side of the truck.

"It's called 'Candy'," Gumi furrowed her brow, "This has got to be the hardest decision I've ever made..."

"We have to stay strong, Gumi, " Yuma stared at the ice cream flavour and patted the green haired girl's back, "There's no backing out. We need to make a choice."

"We can't mess up, Yuma," She hugged him tightly, "We can't afford to make a mistake!"

Yuma nodded and raised a gloved index finger towards the heavens. "We'll have two 'candy' flavoured ice cream cones!" He declared. Gumi clapped her hands and Kaito cheered.

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