Chapter 121

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Chapter 121


I sat Len down, a hand still on his shoulders as I wiped my eyes with my other hand. Len was looking straight across, past me, past his sleeping mother, past the walls and the windows and God knows what else.

"Len, please," I got on my knees and gently stroked his face, turning him so that he was at least facing me, "Len, look at me, look at me!"

Len's eyelids drooped and fell over his blue orbs, rising a moment later, like curtains. That was a blink, an extremely slow blink. Kiyoteru loomed over us and eyed Len worriedly.

"You said he'd be fine," I spat, "He's not!"

"Give him some time," the doctor answered, "I know the news was hard on him, but...we can start chemotherapy soon. I'll...I'll give you some time alone."

Dr. Kiyoteru walked out and I hugged Len close, pressing my cheek against his. He wasn't reacting at all. I sniffed, tousling his blond locks and kissing his mouth quickly, again and again.

"Oh, God..."

"Huh...," I heard Len's mother stirring behind me. I turned and watched her shift a little before falling asleep again. She used to look so young and beautiful, even right after the accident, but in a week or so, she had aged rapidly.

Suddenly, Gumi and Yuma ran into the room, huffing. They looked at me and hurried right over. Gumi wrapped her arms around me and Yuma examined Len. I started sobbing into Gumi's shoulder, gripping the ends of her shirt in my shaking hands.

"H-His mom...," I hiccuped, "She's really sick, a-and he just..."

"Shh...," Gumi pressed a finger to my lips and I grit my teeth, fighting back the tears and making her shake her head, "No, no, don't hold back the tears. I meant, you don't have to explain. It's okay. We'll figure something out."

"I-I'm sorry, it's just...your name came up first in my phone, and..."

"Rin, it's okay," she nodded, rubbing my back, "Yuma, is he okay?"

I watched as Yuma poked Len a few times, failing to elicit any sort of real response. "Not yet," he said, "But I think he's about to come back."

We watched as Len began breathing normally and blinked a couple of times. His eyes darted around, taking in our faces; Yuma, Gumi and me. He blinked again and I embraced him, crying again. His arms dangled lifelessly by his sides but he spoke.

"R-Rin," he whispered, "Oh my God, I..."

"You okay?" Gumi asked. I felt him nod quickly.

"I need to...," he pulled away from me and walked over to his mother's bedside, falling to his knees. She was stirring again and he clasped her hand. I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders, "Mom..."


"Hmm...?" Her eyes fluttered open from underneath her blond bangs. She looked at me and my lower lip quivered. Her hand was still warm. She was a fighter, but this was too much for me, "Len..."

"Mom," I repeated. Three letters, one syllable. I could say it forever and it wouldn't make a difference to my situation.

"He...he told you, didn't he?" She whispered. I nodded slowly, "I'm going to be fine."

"M-Mom, just..."

"Shh, listen to me, Len," she went on and I lifted a hand, pushing her flaxen hair out of her eyes, "I'm going to be fine. I was lucky, you know. If it weren't for the accident, the cancer would've spread and we wouldn't have known about it."

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