Chapter 73

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Chapter 73


I sat with Gumi and Yuma on the roof. Gumi had insisted that Yuma run three laps with her before sitting to eat, and I get it, the guy just couldn't say no. He was panting by the time the two of them reached the roof.

"We ran up the stairs, too!" Gumi grinned as Yuma collapsed. She pulled a water bottle out of her bag and unscrewed the cap, then proceeded to stuff it in his mouth.

He sat up suddenly, coughing as she plucked it out of his mouth. She smacked him on the back and his coughing subsided.

"N-Nearly choked me," he said hoarsely.

Gumi's face was painted with a concerned and apologetic frown. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize."

He smiled weakly. "It's okay."

God, they look so cute together, I thought to myself, biting the inside of my cheek. I wasn't jealous or anything...okay, maybe a little. I mean, why did Rin and I have to be related? If we weren't, things could have been so perfect.

In fact, all the stuff that happened last Saturday was starting to blur in my memory, and it felt more and more like a dream. Gumi and Yuma must've noticed my twisted expression, because they rained questions and concerned comments down on me.

"Len, are you okay?" Yuma asked.

"You haven't been feeling well all week," Gumi frowned, "Or so I've heard."

"I'm okay," I said with a sharp exhale, pushing my hair back with both hands. That morning, I was standing in front of the mirror for a full ten minutes, wondering if I should tie it or not.

Not that it really made a difference anymore. Whether it looked cuter to Rin when it was tied or untied was none of my concern anymore. Okay, I can't say that. It wasn't supposed to be my concern anymore; the fact that she kept popping up in my mind was another story.

Or was it? I stuck my nose in my science textbook to try and get my mind off of her, but every time I saw a yellow flower - I was reading through the chapter on plants - Rin's brilliant blond locks washed over my brain and destroyed all rational thoughts.

I had to stop myself from loving her...but how?


I fidgeted on the sofa in the teacher's lounge, the large gift bag by my feet seeming to rustle, as though it were alive, or at least awake. When was he going to show up? I wanted to get up and look for him, but that would seem strange and awkward.

"Hey, Luka!" Gakupo grinned as he walked in with a cup of coffee in one hand. My heartbeat both relaxed and accelerated at the sight of him.

"H-Hello!" I cursed at myself silently for stuttering, "Sit down!"

He nodded and sat down beside me, still smiling. He took a sip of his coffee and I nervously ran a hand through my hair.

" was the movie?" I asked shyly, looking at him and then turning away as he looked my way.

"It was pretty good," he said, putting his coffee down on the table that stood to his side, "The ending could've been better."

I nodded quickly. "Endings are the hardest part, I think. To make, I mean," I sputtered. I watched as his eyes fell on the bag by my feet and then back up at me.

"Oh!" I blushed, putting my hands over my face so that he wouldn't notice, before he even said anything, "I, er...I got you something."

At that moment, Haku Yowane burst in, hyperventilating and looking like she had just barely escaped from a bunch of hungry wolves.

"Have you guys seen Oliver?" She asked, desperation in her grey eyes. I shook my head.

"He's out in the yard, I think," Gakupo said quickly, "Why, what's the matter?"

Haku swallowed slowly before saying anything. "He's...helping me curb my drinking."

"What?" Gakupo sat up straight, "Oliver, doing something like that?"

She shook her head. "I don't know, but he...he does something, and it helps."

"What, like he throws magic dust on you or something?" I imagined Oliver as a dainty fairy with fluttering pink wings, floating and dropping sparkly magic fairy dust on crowds of alcoholics. Thank God I didn't burst out laughing, because the image in my head was pretty hilarious.

"No," she said plainly, "He just talks to me about it. He's a very good talker, excellent at making a point. I'm his English teacher, I should know, but...he's really amazing."

I hoped that she wasn't falling for him the way I was falling for Kaito.

Gakupo nodded. "You should go see him," he smiled. She nodded and left.

"So...," I began again, inching closer to Gakupo, "I got you something."

"You're too kind, Luka," I swear, his smile was the sweetest, most sincere smile that I had ever seen in my life. The insane, stupid and absolutely irrational and impulse-driven notion to kiss that smiling mouth of his approached me, but I dropped a brick on it immediately. I was not in love with him. We were just...friends, that's all.

"No, no," I shook my head and picked up the bag, handing it to him.

He looked at it with wide eyes that were almost child-like and brimming with curiosity. Slowly, he reached in and pushed the heaps of crinkly tissue aside, and eventually, his fingers found the edges of a cardboard box.


"It's nothing, really," I explained, finding it impossible to meet Miku and Kaito's eyes, "Len and I just thought that...we need to slow down, that's all."

Miku looked more than relieved, she looked like somebody had just taken a huge elephant off of her chest. She wasn't nosy, just caring, but I couldn't tell her truth. Len and I were hurt enough, and I knew that neither of us wanted to hurt any of our friends with the horrible news.

"If that's all, then I'll quit bugging you about it," Miku sighed, letting herself drop into Kaito's lap. He nearly jumped in response to her sudden movement, and I giggled.

"Glad to see that things are working out so well," I said with a smile.

"Hmm," Miku looked up at Kaito and brushed her slender fingers against his face. He was clearly trying to stay composed, but I could see the scarlet hues painting themselves across his cheeks, "Sometimes what you want is right in front of you, but you just don't see it."

"I saw it," Kaito glanced at me with a grin plastered across his face, "A long time ago."

"Oh, shut up!" Miku tugged at his hair playfully and he bent down and kissed her. My heart wasn't sure whether it was supposed to stop or start beating faster.

"I should go," I said quickly, getting up from my spot. Miku sat up suddenly and grabbed my arm.

"Sorry," she said, shaking her head, "That wasn't really supposed to happen..."

"No, it's not that!" I put on a fake smile, "I just need to one of my teachers...about something."

How could I tell them that they had what I could only want and would never get?

Hey, this chapter turned out better than I thought! What do you think Luka got for Gakupo? Sound off in the comments!
Poor Rin and Len are having to go through so much...when will the pain end?!
See you next chapter! Thank you for the 7K+ reads; I'm hoping I reach 10K before April the 16th. That's my goal!

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