Chapter 81

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Chapter 81


"Miku!" It was nearly noon and I was banging my fists against her door. She wouldn't pick up her phone, so I assumed that it was out of battery, or something.

She opened the door slowly and looked at me with weary, adorable eyes. I pulled her closer and hugged her, sucking in a breath.

"You weren't picking up," I whispered.

"I'm sorry, I was sleeping in and my phone was..."

"Out of battery, I figured," I nodded, "Listen...Rin's sent a text to me, and I think she's sent it to everyone else, too."

Miku pulled her arms our of my grasp and rubbed her sleepy eyes. "Huh?"

"I think something's wrong," I said, "It's just a strange feeling...but that's what I think it is."

Miku shook her head. "You and your sixth sense, Kaito. Whatever, I'll come with you. Just let me get washed up."

I frowned, "Are you going to take a shower?"

"What? Why?"

"Can I watch?"

I got smacked with a leek for that. Honestly, though, I never even saw myself saying such lewd things to my princess. How could I have been so vulgar?!


"S-Stop it, Meiko, I'll do it!" Mikuo yelped and pushed me away, slowly getting onto the railing. He balanced himself and I frowned.

"Mikuo, are you afraid of heights?" I asked.


"I mean, I know you're not afraid of getting hurt or anything," I shrugged, "We skate outside on the streets all the time, so it must be a fear of heights, right?"

"It's different, Meiko," he said, "Anyway, I'll do it. I'll jump."

He was just about to, but our phones interrupted him. He screamed and fell back onto the porch, landing by my feet.

"You okay?" I helped him up. He rubbed the back of his head and nodded.

"Our phones went off at the same time," he said, pulling his out of his pocket, "It's a text message from Rin."

"Huh," I frowned at my phone's screen, "She's sent me one, too."


I hadn't even gone yet, but I couldn't wait to come back, to run into Len's arms and to be eaten up by his hugs and kisses. Even now, as he was softly stroking my face under the wavering shadows of the tree, I was just waiting to go, so that I could come back.

"You like oranges, don't you, Rin?" Len asked.

"Hmm?" I nodded, "Why?"

He grinned. "You'll see when you come back!"

I sat up straight. "If you're going to buy me a crate of oranges, then I ought to let you know, I've got a whole bunch at home!"

"No, that's not it," he shook his head, "You'll see when you come back."

"You're so cute, Len."

"That's my line!" He kissed me quickly as I watched Miku and Kaito approach us from the corner of my eye.

"Speeding up, huh?" She giggled. I smiled. Today was supposed to be a sad day, wasn't it? Really though, there wasn't any rule governing that. I had so many good friends who cared about me; how could I possibly keep crying? And I had Len, too. I didn't care what we were, as long as we were together.

"Hey look, the others are coming," Kaito gestured towards Meiko, Mikuo and Oliver, who were coming closer at a leisurely pace.

"So what is it?" Kaito sat down beside Len and glanced at the two of us. He grinned, and then frowned, back and forth, again and again, before finally asking, "Is it good news or bad news?"

I managed to put a frown on my face for the moment. I knew that the emotions would just take over once I began talking, but I began anyway.

"My father was supposed to arrive home today," I said slowly, watching as Gumi and Yuma came running, "But he...he didn't."

"What, he what?" Yuma panted, hands pressed against his knees. I shook my head and looked up at him.

"He's gone," I whispered, "He left...on the plane."

They gaped at me. I felt my insides begin to crumble, and Len's hand squeezed my shoulder gently.

"Don't cry," he whispered. I felt the soft, fleeting touch of his lips against my forehead, an action probably would've made me explode if he had gone on for longer.

"I have to attend the funeral," I said quickly, "The flight's tonight, and..."

Miku walked up to me and fell to her knees. She wrapped me in a hug and nearly squeezed the life out of me.

"Miku, it's okay! I'm okay!" I pulled her away and smiled reassuringly, "I'll be back in less than a week. Four days, I think."

Gumi patted my head. "We'll be waiting for you, Rin."

"Yeah," Oliver smiled, "We can't have the concert without you!"

"I'll be back by then!" I said. They all nodded.

"What they mean is that they don't want you to lose yourself," Len whispered, looking at me and then at the rest of the gang, "Right?"

They all nodded.

I really was lucky to have such great friends.

And ta-da! The story is done! I'm so happy for all of you who read it, really, I am. Thanks for sticking with it through the entire thing.
You know, I'll miss this story. It really pulled me back into Wattpad, and I met so many amazing people who shared common interests with me. I'll probably write another Vocaloid fanfiction soon, and I'll keep working on Forbidden Arts, Two Faced Killer, as well as a few other secret projects.
I'll admit, I fangirled a lot as I wrote this story, even as I wrote just the outline. It truly is amazing how deeply strings of words can affect us on an emotional level. We form bonds with people who don't exist. We root for one side, and not the other. We question their decisions and criticize their sometimes-rash or irrational actions.
That's the magic of a story, isn't it?
Well, here's my final goodbye and thanks, for reading LENtranced's Spectrum of Yellows. I hope you'll drop by my other stories; maybe you'll like those!
Okay, so I probably didn't fool anyone with all of this. The ending is not here yet!
Just getting you ready to say goodbye. ^_^

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