Chapter 100

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Chapter 100


As soon as Kaito and Miku stopped at my place, I hurried out of the car and headed up to my room. I went to the bathroom to take a look at my forehead, and it really wasn't that bad.

There was a bit of a scrape near the top right hand corner of my forehead. It was small and bright red, but it wasn't bleeding. I disinfected it, wincing as soon as I felt the cold, stinging sensation, and then I put a bandaid on top. I tousled my bangs a bit so that they fell over the wound.

"There," I said to myself with a nod, pulling my gloves off. They were scuffed by the knuckles, and I soon realized why; when I fell, they must've grated against the road.

They looked worse than my head, but still not that bad. Actually, it looked kind if cool, I guess. The skin was scraped clean off and blood was caked on the peaks of my knuckles. It hurt more, though, but I wasn't planning on telling Kaito or Miku; they'd just feel worse.

Sure, it was Kaito's fault and all, but I didn't like holding grudges. Besides, it's not like I needed to be taken to the hospital or anything.

I put some disinfectant on my knuckles and wrapped some bandages over and around them, making quick knots and pulling them tight with my teeth.

"Looks good," I mumbled, examining my hands and pulling my gloves back on before leaving the bathroom. I pulled open my closet door and removed my guitar, which was in its case.

"Take your time," Miku had said when we had approached my home, "Just don't take an entire hour."

And so I sat down on my bed and pulled out my guitar, strumming a few chords and singing a couple of lines from my song. I thought back to memory from a couple of years ago, when I was secretly crushing on Gumi.

Two years ago

Yuma shifted uneasily on the bench as the sounds of squeaking sneakers and bouncing basketballs filled the gymnasium. He frowned and grimaced, shifting his leg slightly. It was a sprained ankle that was keeping him from playing, but at least he could sit on the bench and watch.

The gym was divided with a large, thick and heavy beige curtain that separated the boys from the girls. Normally, you couldn't see the other side, but if you sat on the bench, you could. There wasn't any rule against a girl being on the boy's side or vice versa; they were just separate classes.

There was an advantage to being on the bench, Yuma knew. Even with a hurt ankle, he was content, because he could see his crush easily. She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts that reached to her knees, and her shoulder length, bright green hair was kept taut and disciplined in a high ponytail. He smiled a little to himself, quickly turning away and hoping that the guys wouldn't see him blushing.

"Woo hoo!" He heard her voice, "Three pointer!"

And then he had to turn and look again, because he was stupid and hopeless and emotional, and he had the biggest crush ever on this athletic, perky little green-haired girl.

Gumi. She wasn't always grinning and happy, but when she was in the company of friends, that was her usual demeanour. Yuma was one of the people who saw her beat the boys' basketball team on her own, but he started liking her before that.

As he watched her, he saw her take the arms of a fellow girlfriend and jokingly waltz across the gym floor in nothing but sweaty shirts, shorts and sneakers. Did she even notice him? Probably not. She probably liked someone else. Yuma frowned, but he couldn't look away. He pulled some of his pale pink hair over his face out of embarrassment, but that didn't really help.

Spectrum of Yellows: Vocaloid Fanfiction (Pairings in desc.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu