Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


I was sitting in the teachers lounge, having a cup of coffee, when a certain pink-haired beauty walked in, gracing me with her presence. I almost spilled my coffee when I saw her.

"G-Good morning, Luka!" I hid half of my face behind a newspaper as she walked by, seemingly not even having noticed me.

"Don't you have a home or something?" Luka's voice was sharp and strong, just like her beauty.

"What do you mean? The is the place where teachers come and relax," I frowned, "Would you like to take a seat?"

Luka crossed her arms and hesitated, and then she actually sat down beside me! She looked like she was worried about something, though.

"Hey, are you alright?" I used my best comforting voice.

She put a hand to her chin. "Yesterday in my math class, Kaito was acting awfully strange," she mused.

I looked away. All she ever did was talk about Kaito, to a point where it got creepy. I was actually kind of jealous of Kaito, though I'm sure he never looked forward to Ms. Luka's strange adoration of him.

"He's...part of the music club, if you want to see him," I offered, "There's going to be a meeting next week, after school. I'm part of it."

Luka clapped her hands together and looked at me. "Mr. Gakupo, you have to take me with you to this meeting."

I nodded, smiling. Maybe I could use Kaito as sort of a stepping stone towards Luka.


I woke up in the morning, lying in the balcony. Sunlight shone off my hair and I groaned, pulling my bangs over my eyes and turning onto my side. 'World is Mine' began to play through my head, and I desperately wished that it would stop.

After a few minutes, I got up and fixed up my clothes. Since I didn't have class till second period, I decided not to show up early that day. Instead, I walked into the bathroom and took a nice, long shower, singing 'Ice' at the top of my lungs.

Once I was done, I stepped out, sopping wet, and pulled on a white button-down shirt and black pants. I pulled my dark blue jacket on and headed into the kitchen. I made a cup of hot chocolate and tossed in a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

As I had breakfast, I thought about Miku, Len, and Rin. I tried calling Rin again, but she wasn't picking up. I called Miku.

"Kaito, it's almost time for class, so you better be quick!" She said. I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her voice.

"Good morning, princess," I said. I heard her huff.

"Kaito, what is it?"

"I wasn't kidding when I said that thing yesterday," it was a lot easier to talk about that now.

"I know, Kaito, I know," Miku's words came quickly, "You like some girl, but not telling me her name isn't going to help either one of us! And stop saying it's me, because I know it's not!"

She hung up. I looked at my phone, all battered from last night's throwing.

I would have to show Miku what I meant.


I told Len to stay in the kitchen, and then I headed up to my room. I changed out of my pyjamas and pulled on a loose-fitting white one piece dress and yellow shorts. I combed my hair and tied a white now into it. I used bobby pins to hold my bangs to the sides of my face.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I grinned and struck a pose. "Looking dandy, Rinny!"

I headed out of my room and began heading downstairs.


The pancakes tasted okay, I guess. I piled up five on each plate and put the plates on the high counter, by the silver stools. After a lot of searching, I found chocolate sauce, orange jam, strawberry jam, whipped cream and maple syrup. I even sliced up a few bananas and peeled a few oranges, putting them in separate bowls.

Washing my hands, I took a deep breath and sat down on one of the stools listening to the sound of Rin's feet against the stairs as she came down. I held one hand in another in an attempt to stop the shaking. I had cooked before, lots of times, but I had never made pancakes from scratch.

"Len, is everything okay down there?" I spotted her feet as she descended, "I smell something."

"Y-Yeah!" I called, "Everything's fine!"

I hope.

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