Chapter 99

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Chapter 99


I helped Doris move the keyboard and other instruments out of the music room and into the ballroom. Neru tagged along, barking orders. The only thing that she helped move were the drumsticks; I had to move the drum kit myself!

"Stop moving your mouth and start moving instruments!" I finally yelled, leaning against the keyboard and catching my breath. She was leaning against one of the ballroom's walls, texting someone on her phone.

"Who're you texting, anyways?" I frowned, looking up and peering at her phone's display. She grimaced and pressed the phone to her chest.

"None of your business!" She hissed. I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking up to Doris. She was leaving the ballroom.

"That's all," I said, "We don't need any more instruments."

She nodded. "It's getting late," she frowned, "Don't you have to call Rin?"

I shrugged as we left the ballroom. I heard Neru's shoes clacking against the floor as she caught up. In the living room, the Slurpee machine had been set up, and the decorating was done. All the food was set out in plates and platters, but there was a problem.

"Yuma's still not back yet," I mumbled, pulling out my phone, "Kaito and Miku, too. Maybe I should text them..."


Len slowly lifted himself out of the grass and dusted off his pants. "Come on," he said, offering me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up, smiling.

"Let's race," I offered, "First one down the hill doesn't have to pay bus fare."

"Are you sure?" Len tilted his head to one side and swept my bangs off of my forehead gently. Worry was carved into his brow, "You're tired..."

"I'll be fine!" I smacked his shoulder playfully and he laughed.

"All right, then!" He grinned, getting ready to run. I took a step and bolted straight downhill, hearing him yell from behind, "Hey, no fair!"

"Catch me if you can, slowpoke!" I yelled back, tumbling down the grassy slope till I came to the sidewalk. I slowed down to a walk when suddenly I felt two arms grab my waist from behind. I yelped and Len laughed.

"I've got enough for both of us," he said, catching his breath as we walked over to the bus stop, "So no worries."

I nodded and he pulled some change out of his pocket; a handful of silver coins that he held out in his palm in front of me.

"Here," he said. I reached forward to take it, and as soon as our fingers touched, our eyes met and we blushed.

"I swear, it's like electricity between us," Len mumbled with a smile. I nodded and picked up the change.

Len took hold of my free hand and I felt my cheeks grow hot. Just his touch could do that to me. I let my eyes trail towards him, and he was leaning against the bus stop's shelter, just looking down at the pavement and caressing my hand. His blond bangs fell over his eyes, letting slices of blue sparkle from behind the deep yellow of his hair. His eyes flashed from the ground to me and I blushed.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head and moved to stand beside him.

"I was...admiring you," I mumbled, looking straight ahead and not at him. He chuckled softly, and then I felt his mouth against my cheek.

"You're adorable, Rin," he whispered, "So, how was the trip?"

I thought about his question for a second before answering. "There wasn't much to do," I said, "I didn't know most of the people. There was a lot of crying, but most of it wasn't me. They talked about Ren's business, and who would be taking over. I don't even know the man who's replacing him, but I'll get about half of the profit."

Spectrum of Yellows: Vocaloid Fanfiction (Pairings in desc.)Where stories live. Discover now