Chapter 95

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Chapter 95


Whoa. She said it. She yelled it, right there, in the middle of an echoey, empty school hallway. She confessed her love for me? I couldn't believe it. This was a dream. It had to be a dream. The lovely Luka liked me? She actually liked me!

"Luka," I turned to face her. We were still ten feet apart, "Do you really?"

She nodded slowly, eyes blank, as though she were in a trance. Her lips were slightly parted, but there weren't any words coming out.

"Luka," I said again, a warm smile taking over my quickly reddening face, "Me too."

We stared at each other for a long, silent moment. I was hesitant to take even another step towards her, afraid that it might break the spell. She was so pretty, even from such a distance.

"Gakupo," she began finally, looking away for half a second before meeting my eyes again, "I'll...see you tonight, then?"

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah," I said, "Tonight at eight. I'll pick you up."

She nodded with a small laugh and walked out of the classroom, one hand wrapped around the opposite arm. Her face was tilted downwards and her coral-coloured bangs drooped past her forehead and over her eyes, blending with the intense scarlet of her cheeks.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, my feet loosened from their spots and I walked towards her. We met in the middle, with my gaze down on her and her gaze set on the ground.

"Hey," I whispered, putting a gentle hand to her chin and tilting her face up, "It's okay."

"You know what? I am sorry," she said, "Sorry for one thing. I'm sorry for judging you these past years. You're nothing like I thought you were. The real you, Gakupo, is compassionate, creative and imperfect, and really, that's it. That's what makes you perfect in my eyes."

I smiled. "You've fallen hard, haven't you?" I whispered. She nodded furiously.

"I just kept falling and falling, and I'm still falling, waiting to hit rock bottom," she mumbled.

"You won't," I said, "You won't hit rock bottom, because you'll keep falling and falling, and once you're about to hit the lowest possible level...I'll catch you in my arms."


As soon as Jeremy stopped in front of my place, I hurried out of the car and pulled open the front door of my home.

"Kaito!" I yelled like that guy from that anime movie, the one who yells 'Kanedaaaa!'.

"Miku!" Kaito yelled from upstairs, like the other guy yelling 'Tetsuooooo!'

I hurried upstairs and saw Kaito sitting on my bed, grinning. He looked exactly the way he did when I left him that morning, but he didn't have stinky morning breath, not that I would've minded, I mean, I do eat leeks every day! Anyway, I leapt into his arms and he fell back, laughing.

"What was all that yelling about?" He smirked, stroking my hair. I looked down at him with a grin.

"I just felt like it," I answered, "Did you even get out of bed?"

"Er...sort of...," Kaito looked past me and up and the ceiling, "After you left, I finished breakfast. Jeremy the Second came up and brushed my teeth. Awkward, I know. Against my will, too!"

I giggled. "Good for him!"

"And then he suggested I take a nap, so I did," Kaito continued, "When I woke up, it was noon, and my eyes opened to the beautiful sight of a sandwich!"

Spectrum of Yellows: Vocaloid Fanfiction (Pairings in desc.)Where stories live. Discover now