Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


I ran out of class once the bell for lunch rang. I headed to my locker, unlocked it, and was putting my things away when someone showed up.

"Go away," I said quietly. Kaito leaned against the locker beside mine.

"Len, I need to talk to you," he said.

I grit my teeth and slammed the locker shut, glaring at him. "What did you do to Rin, Kaito?" I yelled, "She's been down in the dumps for over a day now!"

"I'm sorry!" Kaito cried out, "It wasn't even her fault, I didn't even mean to..."

His voice trailed off as he looked past me. I turned to see Rin, cautiously approaching me.

"Len," she began slowly, looking at me and then at Kaito, "What's going on?"

"Rin, I'm sorry...," Kaito began, putting a hand in his hair, "I need to talk to both of you, and I need to apologize, so please..."

I looked at Rin, who turned to look at the ground.

"Rin, I was just...feeling really bad yesterday," Kaito began, "I wanted to be alone. I was so angry, and I know that's unlike me, but I couldn't help it. I didn't mean to hurt you."


I didn't know what to do. I looked at Len, who was clearly very angry with Kaito. He seemed to care so much about me...

"It's not what you did to me that hurt me," I looked straight at Kaito, my voice cracking, "It's just that I was so surprised and shocked by what you had become. You just didn't seem like the Kaito I used to know."

Kaito turned away. I walked past Len and wrapped my arms around Kaito gently.

"I shouldn't have been so persistent," I said, pulling away, "I provoked your anger, so it's my fault, too. I was thinking about it last night, too. Can we just forgive each other and move on?"

Kaito patted my shoulder. "Yeah," he said, "I'm sorry, Rin. And I'm sorry, Len, for hurting her."

Len stood with his back towards us. "Okay, whatever," he said, turning around. I could tell that he was still angry about something, "See you around, Kaito."

As Len and I walked away, I turned back and waved to Kaito. He smiled sadly and waved back.

Everyone makes mistakes, I thought, and if I don't forgive Kaito, then will anyone ever forgive me?


When it was time for lunch, I left school with my head down and my books in one hand. I walked to my spot under the tree and saw that it was already occupied by a certain blue-haired boy. Immediately, I turned away.

"Kaito, what are you doing here?" I snapped, my back still towards him, "Do you want me to smack you with a leek?"

His response wasn't what I was expecting. Okay, maybe some part of me saw it coming.

"I guess," his breath was warm against the nape of my neck. His hands held mine and I felt his hair grazing against the side of my face.

Shivering, I pulled out a leek and smacked him hard. He fell back and hit his head against the tree.

"Weirdo!" I yelled, getting down beside him on my knees and smacking him again and again. He held his hands over his face, but he wasn't writhing or screaming in pain.

He was laughing.

"M-Miku, stop, it tickles!" He yelled between laughs, "Alright, alright, I get it!"

I stopped, crossed my arms over my chest, and scoffed. He was still laughing like an idiot as he sat up straight.

"What was that all about, Kaito?" I asked once he had stopped laughing, "You scared me!"

"You want to come with me and have some ice cream?" Kaito grinned, his bold blue eyes piercing mine.

I blushed. "S-Stop trying to change the subject!"

But by then, he had already lifted me in his arms, like grooms do with their brides.

Argh, stop with the stupid thoughts, Miku! I yelled at myself as I felt myself turn redder.

"Let me down!" I yelled as he carried me out of the schoolyard. I felt the eyes of everyone focus on us, and I figured that the more I protested, the bigger of a scene it would become. This would make the second headline of the day: Teen Pop Idol Carried Around Bridal-Style by Handsome Young Man.

Wait, what? Handsome? Kaito? What the hell was wrong with me?

Still, to prevent further rumours from forming, I shut my mouth and let Kaito carry me. And to be honest, it felt kind of nice. His hands were soft and he was gentle and...

Oh my God, Miku, stop it!

So, what did you guys think? Aren't Kaito and Miku just the cutest? And is Len perhaps, GASP, jealous of Rin hugging Kaito?

More lunchtime drama for all of you in Chapter 32! Hey, that rhymed!

(Secret insider info: this used to be chapter 31, but it became 32 because of pacing problems. So the above line used to be way cooler, and it was "more lunchtime drama to come in chapter 31". Long story short, pacing problems still exist. Ah, that's the life of a writer.)

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You guys rock more than my rock collection! See you next chapter!

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