Note: Before the Epilogue

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So, anyway, I woke up this morning, around eight (Eastern Standard) and now, around half past nine, I checked my notifications.
You guys,'re going to make me cry. You're too, too nice. I don't even feel accomplished yet, because I'm not done the epilogue, but your compliments and comments have brought me to the verge of tears.

This is my thank you before my actual thank you.
So. Thank you! Thank you so much! For once, I will take your compliments as well as I can! Thank you!

I have never written over 400 pages in around four months. I have never come so close to completing such a massive story. I never would have come this far, this fast, if it weren't for you.

Anyway, I should go finish the epilogue now. I'll see you in around twenty-four hours, I hope!

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