Chapter 122

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Chapter 122


It was Thursday morning, and I had just knocked on Gakupo's door. It took him a few seconds, but he opened up eventually, looking at me with weary eyes.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" I chirped. He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"Luka...," he mumbled, "The Song of Summer is today. You know that there's no school..."

"Teachers still have to be at the Song of Summer!"

"But it starts at two! It's only nine right now!"

"Exactly!" I smiled, walking into his home, "I thought I'd come by and make breakfast."

He closed the door and led me into the kitchen. "You know, you're really too nice, Luka," he said.

I looked at him, my eyebrows arched with amusement. "Really?"

"Really," he smiled and my heart fluttered.

"O-Okay," I nodded as a blush crawled up my cheeks and my heart started pounding in my ears, "Wash up, okay? We'll cook breakfast together!"

He left the kitchen and I started pulling eggs, jam and peanut butter out of the fridge. I plugged in the toaster and started slicing some fruit.

Gakupo was back in a few minutes, pulling me away from the fruit and pecking me on the cheek. I swatted him away.

"Get the frypan heated," I smirked. He nodded and did as I said, "You know, I really can't wait for the concert. Your performance was beyond amazing yesterday, and now you're going to be singing, too!"

Gakupo chuckled sheepishly. He picked up an egg and cracked it into the frying pan. It sizzled and almost immediately, the air was filled with the smell of frying eggs.

"I wasn't that good," he said. I stopped cutting fruit and stared at him.

"Exactly," I said, "You were great!"

"Luka, seriously!"

"I am being serious!"

He sighed and smiled at me. His face was a little red. "If you say so."

I nodded, took a bowl and put the fruit in it. "Hey, Gakupo...have you ever married?"

"H-Huh?" He suddenly became flustered.

"I'm just curious!" I said quickly. He shook his head and sighed.


I couldn't believe what Luka had just asked me. I was starting to worry if she had somehow see the diamond ring I had kept safely tucked away for that one day...but today was not that day, I was sure about that.

"No, I haven't married anyone," I answered, trying to stay calm. She nodded slowly and I added, "I don't mind you asking, Luka. W-What about you?"

"I haven't," she mumbled, "But, you know...maybe someday, I'll...find that special someone."

"Special someone, huh?" I slumped a little, "Luka, did you forget that we're dating?"

"N-No, I didn't, it's just...," she pursed her lips and wrapped her arms around herself. I noticed that she usually did that when she was feeling insecure. I didn't want her feeling insecure, obviously. I loved her. I had never loved anyone with the same intensity.

I walked up to her and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Luka," I whispered, "And I'm always going to be here for you. Don't worry about making mistakes. We talked about this, remember? What kind of love would exist between us if I couldn't forgive a simple mistake?"

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