Chapter 86

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Chapter 86


I was glugging down cup after cup of coffee in the waiting room, my eyes dry from all the crying. I had killed Kaito. He was done for, he was dead. I was brash, rash, and thick. I was an idiot, smacking him the way I did.

Was I always this blind around him? Did I just take him for granted, because I assumed that he would be there for me? I should've realized that death would take him away from me, and while I did start caring when we started dating, I still wasn't what he deserved.

"M-Miku!" I turned to see Len, Yuma and Gumi running up to me. I got up slowly and Gumi grabbed me, wrapping her arms around me. I broke down again, sobbing into her shoulder.

"What did they say, Miku?" Len pressed a hand against my shoulder and I pulled away from Gumi, "'re wearing bloody pyjamas..."

"They said that...Kaito's lost a lot of blood," I whispered, his second comment irrelevant to me at that moment, "He's unconscious, and his leg's also twisted."

"How did this happen?" Yuma asked. I turned away and he seemed to take the hint.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"It's okay," he replied, "Hey..."

I watched as a nurse approached me and my friends. She looked at me, examining me up and down with a tight frown pressed across her pink lips.

"Hatsune Miku?" She asked. I nodded slowly, feeling the eyes of Len and everyone else settle on me. I could feel the tension in the air, and it was suffocating.

"Yes," I croaked, "That's me."

The nurse nodded quickly, "Come with me, please."

I looked back at the gang as Meiko and Mikuo joined them. I was going to cry again, and I knew it. When I looked at Mikuo's face, into those perfect teal eyes and that adorable teal hair, I remembered crushing on him. I remembered Kaito's comments. He was never jealous; he was supportive.

I remembered kissing Kaito in the rain, and then asking if I could do it again. He embraced me in the middle of the storm that was taking over my heart. We were drenched, out on my front door steps, and he pushed the clouds away and let the sun shine.

He was my world, and now he was dying. Who destroyed my world? I did.


"Where is he?" I demanded, grabbing Yuma's arm. He pushed me back and I exhaled sharply, avoiding his steely gaze.

"Calm down," he ordered. I swore under my breath. Meiko pulled me away, but I threw myself at Yuma again.

"Don't freaking tell me to calm down, dammit!" I yelled, throwing a fist at his face, "Y-You think this is a game, don't you? You think that all endings are happy, don't you?"

He grabbed my arm before I could make contact and twisted it, pinning me against the wall.

"I don't," he growled, "I know that this world is full of darkness. It's harsh, but fighting isn't going to solve anything!"

"You don't know...," I groaned, "...You don't know what it's lose somebody you care about, so suddenly, just like that! Freaking death just comes by and snatches them away!"

"Yuma, stop!" I heard Gumi's plea and Yuma loosened his grip.

"Well, say something!" I hissed at Meiko, watching her from the corner of my eye. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she had her arms crossed, looking insecure, which was unlike her. She shook her head solemnly.

"You're being too rash, Mikuo," she whispered. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said to Yuma and he scoffed, "I just...I can't believe that this is happening."

"Neither can we," he said, letting go, "But fighting is just going to end with another person hurt."

"Right," I looked down at the ground and sat down on one of the chairs, "I'm sorry, Meiko, all of you...that was stupid of me."

I watched as Len exhaled. His legs were shaking, and he slowly took a seat. I grimaced, trying to fight my tears. Len was close friends with Kaito, too. He wasn't yelling at everyone.

"Yuma, you idiot!" Gumi hissed, "Why'd you have to..."

"It's okay," I interrupted, "He was doing the right thing, calming me down. He's...he's mature."

Yuma sighed and turned away, burying his hands in his pockets. Great, now I had messed up the relationship between him and Gumi. Another point for me, and that's sarcasm, obviously.

"They took Miku inside," Len said slowly, "She know. Found out."


I couldn't believe it. Honestly, it all felt like a dream, or a nightmare, rather. Just a few weeks ago, I was angry with Kaito, a guy who never hurt anybody.

And then here I was, in a hospital, waiting to hear the news, as dismal as it would be. Ren had passed away, Rin was gone for what felt like the longest three days of my life, and the truth about our parents, whoever the hell they really were, was in my hands, about to slip out again.

Of all people, why Kaito? Why did it have to be him, the guy who took everyone to the beach every summer, the guy whose smile and laughter was contagious? He was never a jealous person, and sure, one time he got moody because he found out that his one love, the love of his life, loved another boy, and that was it. We all took that opportunity to put a label on him, and we got angry. That was our fault. Can't a guy make a mistake once in a while?

I swore to myself that if Kaito was never going to wake up again, I would remember only the good things about him, because really, all he was was pure good, and a little mistake or moodiness here and there didn't grant us the right to label him as something horrible.


"Rin...Rin, are you alright?" I woke as Doris shook my shoulder.

"...Huh?" I opened my eyes. We were in the plane, skewering the clouds. The sensation was like floating.

"You were crying in your sleep," Doris looked at me, concerned. I wiped my cheeks with my hands, cleaning off the tears.

"Yeah," I whispered softly, "I...sort of had a bad dream. Someone died."

"Was it that boy, the one you like?"

I shook my head as memories of Kaito flew through my mind. Ice cream, trips to the beach, to the zoo...his smiles.

"No," I whispered, relieved that it was just a dream, "Another friend."

I know this is a short chapter...but still. They've been getting shorter, haven't they? Sorry about that.

See you next time!

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