Chapter 108

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Chapter 108


Meiko and I were walking to school when we spotted Oliver a few feet ahead of us, his head down and his steps sloppy. We hurried up to him and I draped an arm over his shoulder, offering a grin to the gloomy blond boy's somber expression.

"Hey," I greeted him. He looked up at me and glanced at Meiko, smiling at both of us.

"Hey, Mikuo," he said, "Nice weather, huh?"

"You're still not over Ms. Yowane, eh?" I was blunt, but I had to be. I couldn't take seeing the normally spirited boy reduced to a moody personality. He winced momentarily and looked away.

"I'll be fine," he answered plainly before asking, "Did you have fun at the party yesterday?

I frowned, nodding. He was changing the subject, but that was a good thing. "Yeah, it was pretty nice. There was so much food..."

"Yeah," Oliver nodded.

"I think Rin still has a lot of leftovers," Meiko grinned, "We should go after school!"

"Don't you have a meeting?" I smirked, watching her expression transform as she remembered and gently smacked her own forehead.

"Right," she mused, "And you have work..."

"Oliver!" A screech rang out as Neru sprinted up to the boy and pushed him suddenly. Oliver yelped, stumbling, losing his balance and nearly falling back onto the pavement.

"Hey, stop!" He scowled at Neru, and she crossed her arms and pouted her lips.

"You're stupid," she stuck her tongue out at him, "Look at you, so sad and gloomy! Can't you ever cheer up, huh?"

She draped an arm around him, clutching his shoulder and pulling him close so that his side crashed against hers. He winced slightly but then reverted to his scornful expression. Meiko and I just watched.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to deal with a problem," Oliver mumbled. Neru just smacked him on the back hard and scoffed.

"I get it, I get it," she shook her head, eyes half closed before turning up to look at the boy again, "But we all have our troubles, and even though we think that our world's over, it isn't. The sun'll still rise from the east, it'll set in the west. We're still here. You still helped her, y'know? You changed Ms. Yowane's life."

We all stared at Neru, our mouths agape. Even Oliver was dumbstruck, but he was the first person to snap out of the spell.

"That's pretty deep," he remarked, "I never expected you to say something like that, Neru..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Blood rushed to her cheeks and she balled her fists. I cleared my throat and clapped my hands together as they glared at each other.

"So...," I began, "Are you guys going to see the fireworks next Saturday?"

They looked at me with frowns on their faces. "Fireworks?" Oliver repeated. Neru sighed and smacked the back of his head, making him seethe again.

"The fireworks they have every summer, genius. Don't you remember last year?" She scolded him. Meiko and I exchanged glances and we continued walking to school, the four of us.

"I remember, okay?" Oliver snapped, "Sometimes it takes a guy a little while to recall a memory!"

"Hmph," Neru crossed her arms and jutted her chin out, "You're getting old, Oliver."

Oliver groaned. I patted his shoulder and he held his anger in. We entered the school and made a beeline for the second floor, where Oliver and I had English. Meiko had art first period, but she insisted that today it was her turn to drop me off.

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