Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Len sat just outside the school doors, a banana in his hands. Kids were walking around, talking to their friends and having lunch. He spotted Kaito walking up to him, his friend a silhouette against the beaming summer sun.

"Hey," Kaito said, sitting down beside Len, "What's for lunch?"

"The usual," Len muttered. He was looking up at the sky, past the sun and beyond the clouds. Kaito frowned, looking at Len's deadpan expression. Something was going on in his friend's head.

"I'm going to go get some ice cream," Kaito sighed, smiling, "Wanna come?"

"No thanks."

Kaito tugged Len's arm. "Come on! It'll be fun!"

"We'll be late for class," Len said quickly.

"No, we won't," Kaito insisted, "Now come on!"

Len sighed as Kaito dragged him out of the schoolyard. An ice cream truck usually stood about ten minutes away from the school at this time, and while a lot of students dropped by there when the weather was nice, Kaito was clearly their biggest customer.

"Holy motherf..."

"Stop," Len interrupted Kaito.

"...It's the ice cream truck!" Kaito finished, laughing.

The two sat down on a nearby bench, Kaito with his ice cream, and Len with his banana and banana flavoured ice cream.

"So, Len," Kaito began, licking his ice cream. His friend was chewing a bite of banana thoughtfully, "What's on your mind, buddy?"

"Mm, nothing..."

Kaito put a hand on Len's shoulder, "Dude, you have to tell me. We're bros, aren't we?"

"...I dunno."

"What?!" Kaito was shocked. He nearly dropped his cone, "I wanna help you, Len!"

"...It's this girl, Kaito," Len said finally, tossing his banana peel into the trash can two feet away before taking his head in his hands, "This girl in my class."

Kaito's eyes widened. "Y-You mean Miku?"

"No, not her," Len shook his head, "The other one, with the blond hair."

"Oh...," Kaito said, "You mean Rin!"

Len plastered a hand over his friend's mouth, eyes darting this way and that, "Shh! Keep it down!"

Rin was walking up to the ice cream truck, her blue eyes wide and clear, just like the vast blue sky that made Len smile so often. Len noted the thick textbook that she was hugging to her chest as she came closer.

"Is she coming here?" Kaito whispered, looking at her and then at Len.

"I think she's getting some ice cream," Len muttered. He felt his face grow hot. He groaned. "Kaito, I think I have a fever..."

Kaito chuckled, eating his ice cream. "You'll be fine," he assured, "But dude, there's one problem."

"What's that?"

"This other guy really likes her," Kaito whispered, "And I think he's planning on telling her that."

"What? Who?" Len blinked, suddenly worried. He just started crushing on a girl, and now this?

"You know that guy, Yuma?" Kaito whispered.

Len nodded, "Wait. Doesn't Gumi like him or something?"

"But he doesn't know that."

Len sighed. "Maybe we can get him to end up with Gumi, since she already liked him, and then I can take my time with Rin..."

"If only it were that easy, Len," Kaito said, finishing his ice cream.

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