Chapter 117

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Chapter 117


As it turns out, Miku was in fact talking about the place I had taken Rin to, the place where my mom and I used to go when I was younger, when she wasn't as caught up in her work.

The little hill was part of a larger park, obviously, and there were a few hills hat we scouted around once we got there, trying to find the best possible place to sit and watch the fireworks. There was a small clearing where the sky was in full view and the ground was flat and grassy, so we decided to set up over there.

Yuma and Gumi worked to set up the barbecue grill and Kaito got the coal and lighter fluid. Miku and Rin spread out the picnic blankets and I helped Oliver, Neru, Meiko and Mikuo unpack the food and things. It only took about thirty minutes for everything to be set up. Yuma already had the food on the grill and we were all talking while keeping an eye on the time. There was less than an hour left till the fireworks. Less than an hour till I gave Rin that necklace.

"It's going to get so hot in a few weeks!" Meiko sighed, fanning herself with a paper plate. Mikuo was sitting beside her, and he flashed her a suggestive grin.

"Not as hot as you," he said. She swatted his arm and we all laughed.

"That's so cheesy, you!" She scolded, "Can't you do any better?"

"I dunno, I'm too mesmerized by your beauty to come up with anything really worth saying," Mikuo tried. She smacked him with the plate.

"Then keep your mouth shut till you've got something impressive thought up!" She joked and then hugged him, "Aw, I'm just kidding, Mikuo!"

"Miku, are you drooling?" Kaito poked Miku's cheek and she looked at him, blushing and wiping her face with a tissue.

"N-No!" She shook her head.

Kaito laughed. Rin was sitting beside me, resting her head on my shoulder and holding my hand. I glanced at Oliver, who was sitting by Neru. They were both nervously twiddling their thumbs.

"Are you drooling over me, princess?" Kaito teased.

"No, it's just...," Miku looked up at Gumi and Yuma. They looked so cute, barbecuing together.

"Just rotate it like this," Yuma whispered, taking Gumi's hand and guiding her towards a skewer, "They need to be cooked evenly."

"Oh, are you going to ship them more now?" Kaito grinned. Miku hid her face in her hands and shook her head.

"The food smells so good!" She explained. Yuma and Gumi looked down at her.

"Yeah," Yuma said, "We're barbecuing leeks, too. Don't know how that'll taste, but I thought she'd like them."

"No wonder!" Rin laughed. I smiled and stroked her hair. Her laughter was as clear and beautiful as the sky in her eyes.

"Rin, you're beautiful," I whispered, "Really, I mean it."

She looked up at me and smiled. "I know you mean it, Len," she said softly, "I know it, but I still love it when you say it."

I blushed and she giggled. Meiko opened the cooler that Kaito had brought and pulled out a can of orange pop. Kaito grabbed a packaged ice cream cone and tore the wrapper off.

"Hey, Miku, look here," he smiled. She looked at him and he smashed the ice cream's top against her mouth, laughing right after, "You're supposed to open your mouth!"

"Kaito!" Her face flushed, "Now what?"

"You have to eat it," he frowned, "One does not simply waste ice cream."

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