Chapter 62

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Chapter 62


"So, are you going to continue or what?" I asked Kaito once we were seated in the ice cream shop. He grinned, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, Meiko and Mikuo are going out, and when Miku found out, she was devastated. We talked about it, and while she said that she didn't like me the way she liked Mikuo, she...kissed me. Twice. It was sudden."

"I can imagine," I said.

"And that's it," Kaito clapped his hands together. I frowned.


"Yeah. What, did you expect me to go on and on for fifteen minutes?"

I shrugged. "Sort of. But hey, that's good, right? So you two are..."

Kaito grinned again. "Yeah. I really love her, Len," he said, "Now why don't you tell me about Rin?"

I froze. Obviously, this was what he wanted to know. Miku probably told him something about my odd behaviour, not to mention our encounter in the morning, before school.

"There's nothing to tell," I said quickly.

"Really?" Kaito frowned, "I heard that you confessed to her."

"W-Where did you hear that?"

"And you kissed her," Kaito continued, "Len, you don't have to tell me everything, but I know that something went wrong just a little while after all that, and that's the part that concerns me. You don't have to keep it all to yourself."

I got up. "I'm fine, Kaito," I said, walking away. He grabbed my arm.

"You're lying," he said, his voice tinged with darkness, "Len, I'm serious."

"I know you're serious," I said, pulling away, "I'm serious, too!"

Kaito sighed. "Fine," he said, "Don't tell me right now. How about later, when you're feeling better about it?"

I didn't look at him. "I don't know," I muttered before running out of the shop.


"I brought my stuff here," I said after Gakupo opened the door, showing him my bag of tests that needed to be marked, "I'll just be staying for a while, not too long. I'll go back home around two tonight, alright?"

He opened his mouth as if to say something, but he didn't. He just nodded and pulled the door open completely. I stumbled in and put my things down by the door.

"Did you get some sleep?" I asked. He nodded.

"I need to finish marking some stuff now, but...," he began.

"What is it?" I asked, "I'll help out!"

He stared at me. What, was I being too nice all of a sudden?

"They're art assignments," he continued, "Paintings...of cats!"

As soon as he finished, he began to bawl, throwing himself onto his sofa and weeping into the cushions. I sat down beside him and patted his back.

"I'll mark them," I said softly, "I'm not an art teacher, but I can try."

"Just give them all a hundred percent!" Gakupo howled, his words muffled against the cushion.

"All right, all right," I sat him up straight and looked at his tear-stained face. Pulling a tissue out of my pocket, I wiped them off.

"Luka, what are you doing?" He whimpered, "I'm fine, I told you!"

"I'm just making you a little presentable," I said softly, "You know, whenever I used to see you in school, I always marvelled at how well you dressed."


I frowned. Gakupo rarely wore a tie for teaching, but whatever he wore, he made sure it matched. That was what I had meant.

"Y-Yes!" I grinned, hoping that my comment would at least make him feel better, "I'll give all those assignments a hundred, but first, let me get you something to eat, okay?"

I never wanted to be a cook, even though I was pretty good at it, but I actually liked cooking for Gakupo. Maybe it was that, or maybe I just liked being around him.

"Oh, by the way!" I got up and rummaged through my things, remembering something, "I got you something!"

Gakupo sniffed. "What is it?"

"A pie!" I exclaimed, pulling it out.

"W-What kind of pie?"

I looked at the label and frowned. "Lemon Meringue Pie."

Gakupo started to sob again.


I decided that what I was doing was for the best. Len probably just needed some time alone, so I did my best to stay away from him for the next few days.

"Oh, who am I kidding, he doesn't like me anymore!" I cried into my pillow on Thursday morning, "H-He didn't even let me kiss him...oh, I'm such an idiot! I probably did something stupid on Saturday...or maybe I'm too flat-chested for him...or I dance too well for him..."

I went on and on, not even noticing the clock as it ticked past nine-thirty; over half an hour past the time that school starts. I flipped open a notebook that I used to write in and I made a table filled with all the things that Len could possibly dislike about me. I wrote a lot of things.

Maybe it was true, I was too flat for him. Maybe my hair was too short. I tousled his hair too much? I looked too much like him, and he felt as though he was actually kissing himself? Eww, but maybe. The breakfast actually wasn't that tasty, according to him? Maybe it made him sick to his stomach, and that's why he ran off so suddenly.

Maybe he thought that my father looked scary.

"Yes, that one might be it," I said to myself, scribbling it down. I shut the notebook and looked at the time, "Crap, it's nearly ten!"

I shoved my notebook into my bag and got changed. I put on a white shirt with pale pink, yellow and blue flowers printed on it, and I pulled on a pair of dark blue shorts. I rarely wore shorts or pants, probably because I owned so few of them.

"Time to go!" I grabbed an orange from the fruit basket in the kitchen and ran out of the house, peeling the orange as I headed towards the school.

At lunchtime, I didn't even pass by Len's locker. I went straight to Miku's, and when she saw me, she waved.

"Hey!" She smiled, "You're here!"

I nodded. "Are we waiting for Kaito?"

Miku frowned, "Yeah, and the others, too. Mew and Miriam are going to be downstairs, and Yuma and Gumi will be up here any minute. I've got the whole thing planned out."

I blinked. "Wait, what thing?"

Miku broke out into a devilish grin. "We're going to try to find out what's bugging Len."

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