Chapter 109

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Chapter 109


After breakfast, Len and I packed our things before getting into the car. Kai was in the driver's seat, and as soon as he started the vehicle, Len sat up straight and gasped.

"Mr. Banana!" He exclaimed, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Wait, who?" I frowned.

"M-My cat, I haven't fed him!" Len panicked.

"Kai, Len's house first, please!" I instructed. The driver nodded wordlessly.

We were at Len's home in no time, and even before the car had stopped, Len pushes the door open and jumped out, running towards the front door. I could see his cat, an orange tabby, inside, by the window, yowling at the sight of the blond boy.

"I'm coming!" Len unlocked the door and ran in. The cat jumped off the window ledge and out of my sight. Len came back out a few minutes later, locking the door behind him.

"Is your cat okay?" I asked. He nodded and sighed.

"I can't believe I forgot about him...," he mumbled, getting back into the car. Kai drove us to school, and the grounds were empty.

"We're late," I said, glancing at Len, "Both of us."

"For once," he smiled. I laughed and we walked into the schoolyard, slowly approaching the school.

"You're both late," our teacher looked at the two of us, surprised to see even me being late, "Rin, you too?"

"I'm sorry," I shrugged and smiled sheepishly, "Len wasn't feeling well and couldn't sleep and..."

"Rin!" Len elbowed me and I stopped, "That know...weird!"

"Er, right...," I glanced at my teacher, who looked back questioningly. We hurried over to our seats. Some students snickered and giggled, and we both blushed.


"So she went out with you?" I was loud, almost too loud, even though I was sitting right next to Gakupo. The class, thankfully, was busy sketching fruit.

"She confessed her love to me, Meiko!" Gakupo whispered back, his face flushed, "She kissed me!"

"Wow!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together, "And all this time, I thought you'd never get her..."

"Well, I did," Gakupo grinned, "And to think, it all happened because of Kaito."

I leaned forward slightly, a small smirk on my face. "So, what restaurant did you take her to?"

"It was this Chinese one," he answered, "She was so cute, Meiko, blushing and staring at me! I really, really like her!"

"And where'd you kiss?" I asked excitedly, rubbing my hands together, "In the restaurant, in the car, in..."

"At my place," he answered, "Did I tell you about how she got me a kitten?"

I shook my head. "You mean after Meringue died?"

He nodded. "Yeah! Anyway, I took her to my place and showed her the kitty! And then she kissed me!"

"Wait, what? She kissed you because of the cat?" I frowned, "That doesn't sound right..."

"I don't think it was the cat, Meiko," Gakupo smiled, his eyes sparkling, "She just...we were sitting on the sofa and my kitten was in her lap. She just leaned forward after that, and I responded."

"Did she open her mouth?" I asked, my voice low.

"Y-You don't need to know the rest!" He sputtered suddenly before pausing and putting his head down on the desk, "Maybe...but only because I...well, whatever..."

Spectrum of Yellows: Vocaloid Fanfiction (Pairings in desc.)Where stories live. Discover now