Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Slowly, I climbed down into the valley, pushing aside bushy plants and walking through knee high grass. Insects and birds chirped above and around me, and the rushing sound of water slowly drew closer as I spotted a teal mop of hair a few feet away, hidden in the grass and bushes.

"Hey, you're here!" Mikuo said, looking up at me. I tried smiling and nodded, sitting down beside him in the grass.

The river was rushing past just a few feet away from us. It looked both clear and dark and murky all at once. Trees overlooking from higher points in the valley had their branches hanging out over us, casting shade against the sun.

"Why don't you tell me?" Mikuo said I suddenly, "Something's bothering you, so why don't you just let it out? We're friends, aren't we?"

I kept my eyes on the river, slowly inhaling. I opened my mouth to say something, but my lips stayed only partly open with no words escaping.

"Miku likes you," some part of me managed to whisper. I looked at Mikuo, who looked back with wide eyes, "Which is why she's been acting so strangely around you."

"H-How do you know that?" Mikuo asked. He genuinely didn't know. I pulled out my phone and showed him Len's reply to the text I had sent out earlier.

Yeah, she does. She came up to class this morning red and out of breath. Said she was running, but eventually admitted to liking Mikuo.

I put my phone back in my pocket and stared out at the water.

"Okay," Mikuo began slowly, "Wow, I did not know that."

"I kind of figured she did," I said quietly, "She's been acting strange around you for a long time."

"Yeah, especially at lunch today, when we were having ice cream."

I winced at the thought. "Why did you have to be there?"

"What do you mean?" Mikuo looked at me. I stopped staring at the water and started staring at him.

"I just wanted to have some ice cream," I said, "And I brought Miku along because I didn't want to be alone. Why did you have to be by the ice cream truck?"

Mikuo shrugged. "Can't I have ice cream, too? I was hanging around, hoping that you'd show up and that we could talk."

" can't take her from me, Mikuo!" I burst out suddenly, tugging at the grass around me in anger.

"Take her from you?" Mikuo backed up slightly, raising his palms in the air, "What the hell are you talking about, Kaito?"

"I've loved her for so many years!" I yelled, "I've always been respectful of her, and I've never liked her the way her fans do! I liked her as a person, Mikuo, and I thought that I could take my time and tell her someday...someday, when we were both older!"

"How was I supposed to know?" Mikuo shouted, "You never even told me!"

"Either way, I can't confess to her now, even though I feel so pressured...," I felt my anger slowly dissipate, "She'll just say no."

"I don't like Miku, Kaito," Mikuo said slowly, a hand against my shoulder, "And I don't like what you're doing to yourself because she likes me."

"I don't like it, either," I sighed, "But what am I supposed to do?"

Mikuo flashed his stupid grin. "Do what you've been doing for the last few years," he said, "Talk to her like you always do. I have no intention of getting in your way."

I paused. "What if she confesses to you?" I frowned.

"How about we cross that bridge when we come to it?" Mikuo smiled, getting up, "Come on, get up. Did we come here to talk about girls or to be idiots?"

I slowly got to my feet, trying to push my conflicted feelings aside. I planted a smile on my face. At first it was fake, but as Mikuo and I began exploring the valley, climbing trees and running around, the smile, slowly but surely, became genuine.

Yeah, yeah. Entire chapter was Kaito, where the heck are Yuma and Len, right? They'll be back next chapter, so sit tight!

Spectrum of Yellows: Vocaloid Fanfiction (Pairings in desc.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant