Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I had a bad feeling about Miku, considering the way she looked at Mikuo. I didn't start yelling wild accusations, though, but I started feeling a bit uneasy.

"M-Maybe we shouldn't get ice cream," I frowned.

"What's wrong with you?" Miku didn't even look up at me, "Since when did you not want ice cream."

"I...just don't think I'll win our race later," I lied, grinning like an idiot.

She looked up at me that time. "Ha! Chicken!"

"Yeah, what can I say?" I laughed, "I'm scared, alright?"

By then, we had walked up to Mikuo. I don't think he likes Miku the way she seemed to like him.

"Hey, you guys," he said, "Here for some ice cream?"

"Yeah," I kept my eyes on Miku. She was staring at him, almost as if she was under a spell or something.

"Is she okay?" Mikuo frowned at me, gesturing towards Miku.

I shrugged, but by that time, Miku was awake again.

"I'm perfectly fine!" She yelled, "It's the sun, that's all!"

"Really?" Mikuo's eyes widened, "I didn't know you were so sensitive to the sun."

I couldn't believe how clueless he was. As he pestered Miku with more and more pointless questions, I considered whether I should even tell Mikuo that Miku likes him. I wasn't even sure myself if she did, but she probably did, considering the way she acted around him. Maybe I could get her to tell me, and confide in me, as a friend.

"Alright, alright," I said finally, tugging Miku's arm, "Let's get our ice cream first, then we can sit down and talk."

"Just get me a vanilla cone," Miku said quickly, looking at me and then at Mikuo, "I'll wait here."

I frowned for a second, and then nodded. I walked up to the ice cream truck and waited in line. Inside, I was confused and sort of upset. The way this whole situation had turned was bewildering. I wasn't planning on making any sort of advances towards Miku by bringing her with me for ice cream; I brought her along as a friend. And here was Mikuo, one of my best friends, having Miku fall for him without even trying. He didn't even know that she liked him. I wasn't completely sure if she really did like him or if she was just acting weird, but I could bet that she did. I wasn't sure whether I should be jealous of Mikuo or not. I did, however, decide to tell him that she seems to like him. I planned to tell him after school, by the river.

When I returned with our ice creams, Miku and Mikuo were sitting on a bench a little closer to each other than I would've liked. They were chatting animatedly about leeks, and, while Mikuo looked completely fine, Miku's face was redder than a tomato.

"Hey, Kaito, have a seat!" Mikuo made some room for me by one side, so that he was between me and Miku.

I smiled and opened my mouth to say something, but I jus couldn't get the words out. Mikuo was hurting me without even knowing it. Was it wrong of me to think that way, that the girl I've secretly and respectfully loved for years is crazy about one of my closest friends? Was it my mistake, that I never confessed for all these years? I kept holding back, knowing that I knew Miku in a way that was much, much closer than all the adoring fans out there. I guess it was kind of stupid and naive of me to think that way, and now I almost felt pressured to tell her as soon as possible.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Kaito," Miku said, eyes wide and glimmering, reflecting Kaito's blue hair back at him, "My heart...belongs to someone else."

"Are you okay, Kaito?" I felt Mikuo's hand against my shoulder as I returned to reality, "You don't seem okay. In fact, you and Miku both seem sort of...out of it."

"I'm fine," I said solemnly, eating my ice cream. Without looking at Miku, I extended my arm towards her and gave her her cone, "Here."

"Thanks, Kaito!" Miku sounded more energetic than ever.

"Yeah," I muttered. Unfitting silence filled the air around us as we ate.

Before that day, I had never eaten ice cream while feeling unhappy.

Short chapter, but I kind of felt like that was the best place to end this chapter. See you soon! Tell me how you feel about this situation between Miku, Mikuo and Kaito.

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