103 🩺 I'm Sorry

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'Oh? It's Seonghwa~.' Wooyoung's gentle voice, calm and relaxed rang softly around the room, causing Hongjoong to glance up.

Seonghwa waved from the door. It was dark inside the small room with the only lights being the ones glowing on the infusion pump, nurse and emergency call bells.

'You can come in,' Wooyoung said softly. He was sitting up eating a sandwich while Hongjoong held the plate for him so his sheets wouldn't get crumbs on them.

'Are you sure?' Seonghwa asked, and Wooyoung smiled.


Taking a mask, Seonghwa walked inside for the first time. He moved to the other side of the bed and smiled. 'You look really well this evening,' he said softly.

'I feel a lot better,' Wooyoung replied, putting his little triangle sandwich down on the plate. 'I'm in a bit of pain, but I'm trying really hard not to have the big pain meds because they send me loopy.'

Seonghwa laughed softly. 'Most people beg the nurses for those, you know?' Glancing up at Hongjoong, he could really see the level of calm on his face. Giving him a smile, Hongjoong did the same.

'Seonghwa, do you mind if you stay with Woo for a few minutes? I just want to quickly run to my office.'

'Did you want me to go? What did you need?'

Hongjoong shook his head. 'Nono it's okay. I just want to log into my emails and see what happened with my ended leave request. I'll be right back.' He gently gave Wooyoung the plate in his hands, which Seonghwa quickly reached out to take instead. 'Wooyoung-ah, I'll be right back, okay?'

Wooyoung smiled, nodding. 'It's okay, Hyung.' He let his eyes flutter shut in content as Hongjoong gave him a hug and a kiss on the top of his head. 'Look after Seonghwa for me. He gets spooked easily,' he teased, giving Seonghwa a wink.

Wooyoung giggled. 'I'll try not to scare him~.'

And with that, Hongjoong gently patted his head before giving Seonghwa a nod and leaving.

Seonghwa turned his attention to Wooyoung as the boy reached up to pick up his small triangle sandwich.

'Thank you for looking after Joong,' Wooyoung said softly, giving him a smile. 'I'm worried about him...'

Seonghwa shook his head, chuckling. 'Don't thank me. I wish there was more I could do.'

'No I have to. It's my fault he's stressed, worried and feels like he has to take time off...' Wooyoung's eyes which were still a tad dilated began to shimmer in the low light.

Immediately, Seonghwa took his free hand and brushed away a tear that slipped down his cheek. 'Wooyoung, you have absolutely nothing to feel bad for. It is not your fault that this happened.'

Since he thought it was highly unlikely he would want to eat while he was tears, Seonghwa took the triangle from him, and then put the plate on the bedside counter behind the chair. He then turned and took one of his hand in his, using the other to brush his cheeks.

'Wooyoung, I know you try hard to protect your Hyungs. You have such a kind heart, but you have to remember that if the roles were reversed, and it was Hongjoong, or Yeosang in this bed, you would do the same thing they're doing.'

Wooyoung bit his lip, glancing down at their entwined hands.

'Wooyoung, although the reality of how you got into this hospital bed is very different, nothing would be different, if say, it were a car accident, or even appendicitis. None of these things are your fault, and just because you're here because of that night, it doesn't mean that it's any more of your fault. You are not to blame, because there is no blame to be passed. Okay?'

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