Say Something (A Naruto Fanfi...

By cupcakelover910

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What would happen if Rin Nohara never died? How would the story change? Who would be different? What would ha... More

Ch. 1 Prologue: When It All Started
Ch. 2 Memories
Ch. 3 AN I'm Sorry
Ch. 4 Comrades to the Rescue and Goodbye to a Friend and Teammate
Ch. 5 The Beginning of the End of the War
Ch. 6 The New Hokage
Ch. 7 The War Ends
Ch. 8 Shopping, Missions, and Ramen Part 1
Ch. 9 Shopping, Missions, and Ramen Pt.2
Ch. 10 A Celebration in the Village and A Story Told Pt. 1
Ch. 11 A Celebration in the Village and A Story Told Pt. 2
Ch. 12 Iwa
Ch. 13 Getting Saved... Again
Ch. 14 Goodbye
Ch. 15 For the Village
Ch. 16 Returning to Konoha
Ch. 17 The Fight
Ch. 18 Getting a Rank
Ch. 19 ANBU
Ch. 20 Medical Supplies and a Mission
Ch. 21 The Hokage's Office
Ch. 22 The After Effects of the Opening First Gate
Ch. 23 Medical Troubles in the ANBU
Ch. 24 The Start of Reforming the ANBU's Medical Wing
Ch. 25 A Prank War Proposal
Ch. 26 Planning for Prank War and Memories
Ch. 27 The First Exam Explained
Ch. 28 The Start of the First Exam Pt. 1
Ch. 29 The Start of the First Exam Pt. 2
Ch. 30 Fighting Asuma and Gai
Ch. 31 The Second Exam Explained
Ch. 32 The Second Exam Begins
Ch. 33 Healing and Improving
Ch. 34 Our Cover Story
Ch. 35 ANBU Medical
Ch. 36 Telling the Fourth Hokage
Ch. 37 Prison
Ch. 38 The Past Reveled In A Nightmare
Ch. 39 Explaining the Kanji
Ch. 40 Meeting the Elders
Ch. 41 Preparing to Fight Kakashi and Pranking Minato
Ch. 42 Tenzo
Ch. 43 Fighting Kakashi
Ch. 44 Seeing the Elders Again
Ch. 45 A Hateful Challenge
Ch. 46 The ANBU Medics
Ch. 47 A Bad Day
Ch. 48 The Start of Something Special
Ch. 49 From Dinner to Something More and the Jounin Exams
Ch. 50 The Third Exam and a Request
Ch. 52 Details are Details
Ch. 53 Status
Ch. 54 War Preparations
Ch. 55 Hera and Finalizing Our Plans
Ch. 56 Train and Attack
Ch. 57 Battle and Homeward
Ch. 58 Relationships
Ch. 59 Confessions
Ch. 60 Hades and Persephone
Ch. 61 Hel
Ch. 62 Ares
Ch. 63 Rules
Ch. 64 Siblings
Ch. 65 His Anger Revealed
Ch. 66 Getting to Know Him
Ch. 67 Places
Ch. 68 Parents
Ch. 69 God of War
Ch. 70 Home
Ch. 71 Nightmares
Ch. 72 Lilith
Ch. 73 Aurora
Ch. 74 The Boat
Ch. 75 Painting
Ch. 76 Monsters
Ch. 77 "Sed Lex Dura Lex"
Ch. 78 Family
Ch. 79 Lost and Found
Ch. 80 Runes and Exams
Ch. 81 Completing the Fourth Exam
Ch. 82 Canao
Ch. 83 Little Brother
Ch. 85 Gone
Ch. 86 Blood Calls to Blood
Ch. 86 Mythology
Ch. 87 Life Debt
Ch. 88 Odinson
Ch. 89 Captain
Ch. 90 Secrets Revealed
Ch. 91 At Odds
Ch. 92 Battles
Ch. 93 A New Mission
Ch. 94 Gyūki
Ch. 95 Completing the Mission Pt. 1
Ch. 96 Completing the Misstion Pt. 2
Ch. 97 Completing the Misstion Pt. 3
Ch. 98 A Bit of History Comes to Light
Ch. 99 An Oath Removed
Ch. 100 Opening Up
Ch. 101 Realm of the Gaints
Ch. 102 Digging Deeper
Ch. 103 Ranma
Ch. 104 Worlds Collide
Ch. 105 Hunters
Ch. 106 Clearence
Ch. 107 Grecian and Nordic
Ch. 108 Contacts
Ch. 109 Tavern
Ch. 110 Off
Ch. 111 Kurama
Ch. 112 Maple
Ch 113 No Rest for the Wicked
Ch. 114 One Bed
Ch 115 Worries
Ch. 116 Annoying Wolfie

Ch. 51 Meeting a Legend and Friends

31 1 0
By cupcakelover910


"He's starting an organization called the Akatsuki. Supposedly, he's only allowing in S-rank criminals and already has a few people from the Bingo Book in the damn thing," I said.

"How do you play into this?" Kushina asked.

"He wants me to join the organization," I replied.


"He WHAT!?" Kushina yelled.

"Yeah. I guess that's the price I pay for having the perfect cover," I replied dryly, already knowing what I would do.

"You're joining whether you get permission from us or not, aren't you?" Minato asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Why?" Kakashi growled.

"First off, to feed you guys information on the organization. Secondly, rule 26," I replied.

"Always watch the watchers," Kakashi said softly. I nodded once.

"You would have to commit treason and flee the village to become an S-rank criminal, Rin," Minato said, worriedly.

"I know. I already have an idea on how to do that though. I'm not gonna make it easy for you to figure out my identity either," I replied.

"When?" Minato asked.

"I don't know. He said he'll send me another message when all the other members are gathered," I replied. Minato held my gaze and I could see the emotions clearly in his eyes. He didn't want me to know but knew I was the only one Obito would trust.

"Tell me as soon as you get something," Minato commanded.

"Yes, sir," I replied softly, already worrying about Obito and what I had to do to become an S-rank criminal. I heard a soft hiss and looked down. A small white snake was sitting at my ancle staring up at me. I sighed and bent down to pick it up. It moved back a little and motioned for me to follow. I sighed again and gave a subtle nod. The snake came closer and I picked it up, holding it in the palm of my hand.

The snake motioned with it's head for me to go back the way I assume the snake had come. I started walking away from the others. I stopped and looked back when I felt I hand on my shoulder. I gave Kakashi a questioning look before turning to face him. He held out a slip of paper to me and I took it. I quickly read over what was written on it and nodded to Kakashi.

"Be careful, Rin," Kakashi said.

"Same to you, boy," I replied, my voice void of any emotion. I tucked the paper into the weapons pouch on my hip and went back to following the directions the snake was giving me. I already had a sinking feeling in my stomach for why Orochimaru would want to see me of all people when he already had a past relationship with Anko but only time would tell.

It didn't take me long to figure out that wherever I was going, it wasn't somewhere the higher ups in the village knew of nor would approved of. I was about a mile outside the village when the snake had me turn into the forest. I sighed when I felt Kakashi's chakra close by. I looked down at the snake again and saw it move forward on my hand slightly and I guessed it wanted me to lose Kakashi.

I looked up and sprinted off in the direction I was going and felt the snake bite one of my fingers after about five minutes. I immediately started to slow myself down. I didn't feel Kakashi's chakra anywhere near me and I sighed in relief. The feeling didn't last long when I saw the ground rise up and leave a passageway clearly in sight. I looked down at the snake in my hand and saw it move it's head from me to the passageway.

I slowly made my way over to it, not trusting anything to go smoothly once I left the daylight and went underground. After a few tense moments, I heard a soft click as the trap door leading to the passageway closed behind me. I could only go forward for now but there were torches lining the walls so I could see but not all the halls leading off the one I was in had lit torches.

I felt a small puff of air touch my palm and looked down to see the snake gone. Orochimaru's summoning didn't seem to need to be here any longer. I lowered my arm and pulled out a senbon needle for each hand before continuing down the dimly lit passageway. I heard something behind me and took off sprinting to see if it would follow.

I came to a skidding halt when the passage led to a solid wall with an iron door in the middle of the wall. Orochimaru was standing a few feet in front of the door, seemingly waiting for something — or someone. I subconsciously slid my left foot back slightly as I stood up. I didn't trust him but I was stuck underground with him.

"You got here quickly, my dear," he said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"There isss sssomeone that won't sssspeak to me. Would you be willing to help me?" Orochimaru hissed.

"Will I be able to leave afterward?" I asked.

"Yesss," Orochimaru replied.

"Then yes, I will help you," I said. Orochimaru nodded his thanks and turned toward the door. I followed even though my gut was telling me to run as fast as I could the way I had come and break through the ground to speak with Minato about the underground passageways. I stood frozen in the doorway when I saw why I was needed.

"Please be careful, my dear," Orochimaru said. I couldn't stop staring.

"What is he?" I asked as I noticed the pointed ears and almost inhuman beauty.

"I am High Fae," the man said. My eyes widened and the emotionless tone he used. I stepped into the room so I could see him better and my eyes turned to saucers when I saw the chains keeping him here. I slowly put the senbon in my hands back into my kunai holster.

"But... the Fair Folk are legends," I said softly, slowly going closer and closer to the man. I saw tattoos inked over his chest and arms and gently set my fingers  on part of the ink on his chest. The fairy growled softly and tried to move away from my touch.

"My people are far from being myth," he growled.

"There are more of you?" I asked, looking up at his face. I saw him look over at Orochimaru.

"He's never spoken so much as a word to me," Orochimaru breathed.

"I don't think he likes you and I can understand the feeling," I retorted. Orochimaru sighed and left, closing the door behind him.

"There are," the fairy said suddenly, making me jump.

"Do they all look like you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean... do all of you... have this inhuman beauty?" I asked, turning around to take a few steps away from him while hoping I was making sense.

"I suppose so. Although, you humans all look quite dull to us," he replied, his voice seemingly getting more emotion to it.

"That's offensive," I said immediately and turned to face him again.

"How so?" He asked.

"You pretty much just called the entire human race no more interesting than trash and you're wondering why I find that offensive? I thought fairies were supposed to be smart," I replied.

"We are highly intelligent, if that's what you mean by smart. Many of us learn to read and write at a young age," He said.

"Good for you. You got a name?" I asked.

"What would it matter to you?" He asked bitterly.

"Do you really hate people that much or is it just me?" I asked, completely serious. A smirk spread across his face at my question.

"The one that was here with you earlier isn't kind," he replied.

"Yeah well, Orochimaru's got some sick sense of finding answers but I don't think he'd be any worse than Ibiki," I said.

"Rhysand," He said.

"Rhysand?" I asked.

"You asked for my name," the fairy replied. I nodded slowly and started walking around the room thinking if he had some kind of special powers or not when I noticed a pair of wings on his back. I stopped dead in my tracks before slowly moving closer.

"Wings?" I asked, reaching out a hand to touch them.

"Please, refrain from touching them. They are quite... sensitive," Rhysand requested.

"You said there are more like yourself earlier. Does that mean all of you have wings or only some of you?" I asked.

"Only some of us in my Court," He replied.

"I've read about that somewhere. If memory servers me right, there are seasonal courts and solar courts. There would be seven total right?" I asked.

"Yes. How do you know of the difference?" Rhysand asked.

"I told you there are legends here that talk about the Fair Folk. That's just what most of the legends have in them," I replied.

"What about the other legends?" he asked.

"They talk about a different type of court system. The Seelie Court and Unseelie Court are a pair of Fair Folk courts that are at odds with each other because of a past that got lost to history. They are unseen and age much slower than any human so they live through generations of humans without interfering in our lives. According to the legend, those two courts ended up being destroyed in their entirety because of the sons of angels and man saw them as a threat to the survival of humans.

"There were fairies that thought humans should become their slaves so they wouldn't have to work for anything anymore but the majority of fae didn't want slavery to become the foundation for future generations of Fair Folk which is how the two supposedly courts became divided. The Seelie Court didn't want slavery while the Unseelie Court did.

"After centuries of living divided, the Unseeling Court managed to overthrow the Seelie Court but didn't capture all of the members of the Seelie Court. There were two that managed to escape — a winged warrior that was mangled as a child and a female that was betrothed to someone she didn't want to marry. They cried out to the angels for help with their court but didn't have anything to offer the angels. A winged prince and a winged warrior from the Unseelie Court found the two of the Seelie Court.

"After learning of why the two from the Seelie Court were crying out to the angels, the two from the Unseelie Court wished to help them in their cry to the angels. As the four from two different worlds begged for help, a female from neither court stumbled upon them. This newcomer held tremendous power and was feared by all four of the Fair Folk.

"The fairies didn't want to bring harm upon their newfound companions but didn't have any blood to offer the female. She saw their distress at her appearance and sought refuge with them in return for her alliance. All parties agreed to the terms the female had offered and were happy for them. The five were able to find an offering suitable enough for the angels to come down and kill all in the Unseelie and Seelie Courts alike.

"The five were the only ones spared because of their offering to the angels but were forced to move to a solar court none had heard of. They quickly climbed the ranks and were soon made up of a High Lord and his Inner Circle. The prince was the strongest of the High Lords and, like his friends, kept the secret of his ancestors and the secret of the High Fae of the Night Court.

"Those five have lived in the Night Court ever since and have never spoken a word of their bloody past to anyone — not even amongst themselves for fear of others hearing and wishing them dead in the city that saved them all," I said.

"What is the name of the city?" Rhysand asked.

"Velaris," I replied. Shock took over his features for a moment before he went back to the emotionless mask he had on when we first met.

"How much do you know of this Velaris?" He asked.

"Nothing. It was only mentioned in the legends but no details were ever given about it," I replied. Rhysand nodded.

"Good," He said softly.

"It exists, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Velaris?" Rhysand asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"No. It's just a city of legend," He replied. His voice and face were emotionless but his eyes told a different story.

"You're lying," I said.

"Would you really accuse me of lying?" He asked.

"I'm not accusing you of lying. I know you are. I also know that one of your friends is here and waiting for you to give him the kill order because I know too much about your city," I replied. I had seen the shadows moving subtly around the room like they had a mind of their own.

"How?" Rhysand asked.

"I know someone very much like you," I replied. I felt a rush of air behind me and felt the coolness of a blade pressed up against my throat in an instant. Whoever was behind me had major scarring on their hands.

"What are your orders?" A gruff voice asked from behind me.

"Release her," Rhysand said. I felt the male behind me tense at the order. I moved slowly and pulled out a senbon needle from my kunai pouch. The blade was lowered from my neck and I moved to stand about six inches from Rhysand.

"Can I stab one of his pressure points?" I asked, pulling out another senbon needle.

"Now what's the point of coming here if we're just going to make enemies?" A sultry voice asked from the doorway. Two females stood just inside the door, one with glowing eyes, the other seemingly normal.

"Where's the other one?" I asked. I felt a hand on my head and spun, kicking out my leg to try and knock whoever had patted my head on their ass.

"You really don't like me do you?" Rhysand cooed. I growled in response and slowly turned to face the other three before stopping dead and feeling my blood run cold. I turned back to Rhysand and saw he was out of the chains that had seemed so solidly holding him in place.

"We need to go." I looked past Rhysand and saw the source of the voice. Another male that was likely with the other four. I slid my senbon back into my kunai holster and walked over to one of the walls before slammed my fist into it. There was a nicely sized dent in the wall and my knuckles were bleeding from the impact. I took a deep breath and turned to look at the others in the room.

"Girl," the female with the glowing eyes said sternly.

"What?" I asked bitterly.

"What is this place to you?" She asked.

"The prison or the village?" I asked.

"The latter," she replied.

"Home," I said simply.

"Nothing more?" She asked.

"It's better than having a secret place like Velaris and being hated because you wear a mask all the damn time but it has it's faults like anywhere else would," I said emotionlessly.

"Like?" She asked.

"No one really seems to care if you die as long as they come out on top," I said.

"Then why stay?" She asked.

"I've stayed here for so long because there are a few people that are family. That family also knows what rule 10 means better than most," I replied.

"Rule 10?" Rhysand asked.

"Never take anything for granted," I replied coldly, giving him a half hearted glare.

"You really don't like us do you?" Rhysand asked.

"You finally noticed now did you?" I asked in reply, my anger starting to show.

"Why do you hate us so?" The glowing eyed female asked.

"You appeared out of nowhere and are probably expecting some crazy bullshit from me that I probably can't even do because I'm human. So would you really think I'd be fine with a group of mythical strangers coming in here all happy-go-lucky like and be completely fine and dandy?" I asked.

"I did, actually," the other female said.

"Good Kami, you're even more of an idiot than Obito," I muttered, shaking my head. I heard Rhysand laugh and stared at him.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," he remarked.

"I'm looking at one actually," I said, my eyes narrowing.

"You really think I'm a ghost?" Rhysand asked.

"You sure as hell don't act like I thought a High Lord would," I replied.

"You didn't even think I existed up until a short while ago," he said, clearly thinking I wouldn't have something to say.

"And you didn't think anyone knew about your fun little city," I said, wanting to be done with the whole lot of them.

"You don't want to be with us any longer do you?" I heard from behind Rhysand.

"Not if you're gonna keep acting like toddlers," I replied.

"Hurtful," Rhysand muttered.

"You really think you can talk?" I asked. He smirked in response.

"Be careful who you make enemies of, girl," Miss Glow Eyes warned.

"Okay little Miss Glow Eyes. You follow him and he doesn't seem half bad so unless he wants me dead I really doubt you will do anything," I replied.

"Miss Glow Eyes?" Rhysand asked.

"You realize I don't know any of their names right? Wait can I give nicknames? I don't think they really want me to know their names so can I?" I asked, starting to get a little excited.

"By all means, although..." Rhysand trailed off.

"They might want to kill me?" I asked.

"Yes," he responded.

"I'm not really worried about that cause they probably already want me dead and wouldn't be the first ones either. Anyway! For the dude behind you, I'm gonna start calling him Illyrian. I'm gonna call the other guy with the scars here Truth Teller. The girl will be Copper, and we already have Miss Glow Eyes over there," I said.

"Why am I Copper?" Copper asked.

"You're strong," I replied.

"Why Illyrian?" Illyrian asked.

"You look like a warrior and it seems you rely on your wings quite a bit," I replied.

"Truth Teller?" Truth Teller asked from behind me.

"I saw your shadows earlier and when you held the blade to my neck I knew you would do what was best. I also think you're the most brutally honest and reliable out of them all," I replied.

"We do need your help," Rhysand said.

"With what, exactly?" I asked.


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I do not own Rhysand or anyone in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. They all belong to Sarah J. Maas who wrote the series and I would seriously recommend you read her series if you like fiction and fairies.

I know this was an extremely long chapter but I hope that's okay with all of you that read this fanfic. There will be more fairies in the next few chapters because of the significance of what happens in this arc.

Anw... Have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye guys!

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