[Scenario #94] Her Reaction: Get Your Gambling Freak On

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Yumemi Yumemite: "Oh no. . .it's getting a little not in here."

Kirari Momobami: Would walk up behind you, her eyes shining blue. A smirk laced on her lips. Her hands draped over you. "Good girl, show them all you got, don't hold back."

Itsuki Sumeragi: "DON'T GO TOO EXTREME!"

Runa Yomozuki: "Ohhhh, should be fun to watch this. Should have brought some snacks."

Yumeko Jabami: She would make sure that feeling doesn't go away, encouraging it, watching it grow. The rush. "LET'S GET OUR GAMBLING FREAK ON!"

Midari Ikishima: "Wow, she must spend a lot of her time with Yumeko. This should be fun."

Sayaka Igarashi: "Oh god, not another Yumeko! Y/N snap out of it!"

Meari Saotome: "Ah shit, here we go again. I ALREADY HAVE TO DEAL WITH YUMEKO!"

Rei Batsubami: She Watches you with a smile, never once interrupting you, knowing there was no way to stop the rush.

Ririka Momobami: It would scare her, she has to deal with Kirari's antics most of the time and it was terrifying, but knowing you this would blow over even if you would be unaware of what you did.



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