[One-Shot #60] How I Predicted

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Rei x Reader

Requested: -_Sun-Queen_-

"I. . .I lost," You looked up at her with frighten eyes, someone within the Bami name is someone you didn't want to be caught up with. You took notice of the the small smirk, and the joy in her eyes.

"How interesting, how did we get here?" She chuckled. "But, it was all how I predicted this gamble to end; me winning and you becoming my rightful pet."

You looked at the glare of her eyes, than to her intimidating eyes looking at you. "Kirari is very vicious when constructing the degrading of those who become such things, but I take no joy in that, so don't be afraid of me."

She stroke away a piece of hair. She smiled, your heart pounding at the sight. "All I ask of you, is to stay by my side."

"Stay by your side?" You asked.

"Yes." She walked over to the door. "Come along, we mustn't miss such wonders that come from this ruthless election."

"What's your benefit? Of having me?"

She turned around. "Can't I just have someone such as you, to follow me like a good girl you are?"

You blush at that remark. "O-oh."

She smirked. "We have a lot to discuss." She walked out, you following behind before Yumeko comes from no-where, and interrupts your steady rhythm. Rei looked at Yumeko with slight disgust. "

Can I help you?"

"Huh, Rei? You look very beautiful, but I need Y/N for a moment!"

She took your arm. "As the rules state, she is to do my every word to regain her debt that she owes me, so she can't accompany you, Jabami."

"That's too bad." Yumeko shrugged, a blinding smile on her face. "Well, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Yumeko." You waved.

"Disregard her." Rei hissed.

"Uh, okay-"

"You're mine." She said, ending the conversion. "I am not vicious like Kirari, but I don't like to share what rightful belongs to me, Y/N."


"After all, I had always been keeping my eye on you since I've arrived."

She walked, her hands to her side. You blushed, and follow aimlessly.

I'm her's now.

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