[One-Shot #12 Sayaka] Death Of An Angel

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Warnings: Suicide/self-harm/suicidal thoughts of reader and death of reader.

Words: 697


You were like snow, beauty like an angel, pure like a child, and gentle like a mother. Snow doesn't last long, it will soon melt, and darkness with take its place to drown you in sorrow and doubt. To cloud your mind, to make you destroy yourself, and end up with a dead body hanging from a lonely tree in an empty world.

The thoughts of leaving the world, telling yourself it's for the better -- that everyone would be the same: happy and careless with a smile. That your existence didn't change the people around you for the better, that she wouldn't cry for a waste-of-space like yourself.

A cry of help never got to her, an inaudioable self-loathing, scars among your skin like a pattern on a snake. You told yourself that the physical pain would distract you from the mental dread that was crushing you in a box.

It only made you a danger to yourself: cut after cut, deeper and deeper the more you did it. She was oblivious, the logical woman. Excuses were normal for you, little lies that you didn't think would have the biggest consequences. She was used to them, she blindly accepted them like it was cake.

The day you finally ended your life was the day Sayaka lost her soul. It was horrible to see your body limp, a noose around your neck, hanging from a firm tree branch around the school. She felt guilty for not seeing the signs, stupid for letting those abnormal excuses fly, and it costed your precious life to slip from her finger tips. You died from your own thoughts, hands, and doubt. Suicide, something terrifying to witness, especially when it's someone close and dear to heart.

"A death of an angel," The students called it, a tragedy it was to everyone.

She didn't eat, sleep or care to her work as her mind was still contemplating her lost loved one. And then it hit her, she broke down alone, no-one to hold her close to tell her: everything is okay, when in fact it wasn't. She wanted to hear your heart, to see your smile, to feel your soft skin on hers. A wish that wouldn't come true no matter how hard she denied.

The note you left, she hadn't open it, scared to see what you wrote that drew you into a place of darkness. She couldn't hide for any longer, and opened it up to see her name.

Dear My Sayaka,

You may have found me, I'm sorry.

It was too hard to hold on, I love you so much so please don't feel guilty for my actions. I had so much doubts, scared to talk to you as you were busy with the counsel. You know I loved you with your clip board, it's cute. But, I must leave as it will be better for all of you. My love, I will be with you no matter what, let this go, and be happy.


A death of an angel, the words of a broken soul. A tragedy that will never be forgotten, an angel to never be lost. Y/N was like snow, an angel in the lovely sun.

Snow melts, and darkness will take its place, but snow will always come back to its beautiful place once again.

Never forget the angel in the sky.

The eyes that make her special.

The hair that drifted in the wind.

The skin that shined true.

The smile that never died.

Never forget the death of the angel, Y/N will always be by your side.

"I love you." Sayaka whispered, holding the note to her chest. Tears falling down. "I will never forget you."

It's time to let go of the grief and pain you held in, take her words and dreams. Make it a reality.

A death of an angel with run free to be in peace. You will be waiting for her to join you when the time is right.

"An angel, a free spirit."

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