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War @WarPeroDiSanto

War @WarPeroDiSanto

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9:20 PM • 08/09/XX

9↩️  12🔁  54❤️

War @WarPeroDiSanto • 6m
Replying to @WarPeroDiSanto
Joke lang ahaha puta

Tripp @Trippipti • 6m
Replying to @WarPeroDiSanto
Ano 'yan? Chismis ba 'yan?!


Drex @akotosiDrex • 5m
Replying to @Trippipti and @WarPeroDiSanto
'Di ka na talaga nagsasabi nagbago ka na pre 😔

Jos @guwapongapostol • 3m
Replying to @WarPeroDiSanto
Lahat ng bagay may meaning kaya nga sa exam merong definition of terms.


Isa @matalinongapostol • 2m
Replying to @guwapongapostol and @WarPeroDiSanto
Definition of terms ka pa zero ka lagi dyan.


Jos @guwapongapostol • 1m
Replying to @matalinongapostol and @WarPeroDiSanto


Isa @matalinongapostol • 58s
Replying to @guwapongapostol and @WarPeroDiSanto


Jos @guwapongapostol • 50s
Replying to @matalinongapostol and @WarPeroDiSanto
Sino may pake gago 🖕🏻

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