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**kindly recommend to play the song because why not?

"All right! Let's get back to the guildhall!"

Everyone cheered at Natsu's words and Blaire fiddled her fingers nervously. She had to tell them. She needed to. She had to tell them everything even if she had to ruin their joy and happiness. That day marked the end of an era. But at the same time, it marked the beginning of a new era and the end of someone's life.

She was tired.

"I have something to say." She raised her head and looked at every faces in front of her that each one had smile plastered on it. Lucy and Haruka frowned at her seriousness and asked if she's talking about her actions. Truthfully, they believed in her and forgave her. They knew she loved them and didn't meant to hurt anyone.

Blaire clenched her fists and shook her head frantically. "I'm sorry for hurting all of you. There's no Rae King. She doesn't exist. It's all me, Blaire Heartfilia. Hundred years ago, I was just a normal girl. Born in a rich family and born with two magic power, Life and Death Magic. I married Zeref and died in X690."

"We already know about that." Erza stepped forward to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her but Blaire took a step back.

"In X674, Zeref brought me back to life. And both of us ruled Alvarez Empire to be stronger to defeat Acnologia. I trained those Spriggan 12 and I made a request to him to be resurrected the same year Natsu was born. I died once again and was born again in X766. I was born in Heartfilia again and I grew up alone." She left the information about Jude Heartfilia threw her out of the family.

"I created a name, Rae King. I thought I would be able to start a new life when I joined Fairy Tail but it seemed I can't. My past chased after me. I met Natsu, Erza, Gray and Mavis. I know from the start that Natsu is E.N.D, after all, he is Zeref's little brother. I know, Erza is Irene's daughter. I know everything that happened to us past years."

Blaire bit her tongue. "I am Blaire Heartfilia from the start but believe me, I never think of hurting you. But, I never thought that my lies would come back at me. If only, I told you the truth from the start, I would have prevented this from happening. I wouldn't have lost my family. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

"All of those attempts to hurt you before were lies. I used my magic to make you thought that I was fighting you but I was not. How could I hurt my family? I am one of the founder of Fairy Tail. This is my home. I created this family with Mavis, Zera, Yuri, Warrod and Precht. I won't ever hurt you."

Silence. It was the most terrifying part. Like before a bomb. It's a time for hope to grow and wither. It was a time for doubt to suddenly grow until its almost physical. The silence the most painful part, more painful she would wish for it to happen instead of endured the silence. When she did endure the silence, she will wish for pain rather then endured.

Friends, they were there when you were in need, when tears filled your eyes, that your soul reached out to make the eternal bond of real friendship. For friendship was love and it must have a foundation of trust. So, when you took that leap of trust and came to others, that's when the good stuff began, right there in pain and misery.

They said to give and not expect to receive, there was wisdom in those words. For friendship was love and love can't be a transaction, a trade. For love can expand as air can, filled any void no matter the amount. Love was healthy when given freely, altruistic, empathic and with gentleness of spirit.

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