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Day four of the Grand Magic Games, the competition was called Naval Battle. In other words, it was a sea battle. A huge water barrier was created and any player who left the sphere of water was out. The last person to remain in the sphere was the winner.

However, when it got down to two people left, a special rule will come into effect. The five minutes rule. When there were two players left, they got five minutes to have a match. The one person who left the sphere during that time will be in last place. Rae looked at Juvia with a nod.

Another day for another games. Jellal had gone for another investigation, leaving Cana to replace his spot. "Juvia is the water. This is Juvia's exclusive territory. Rae-sama, look at Juvia!" Rae waved her hand at the blue haired girl who was smiling like a kid.

All of the teams entered the water. The Dark Enchantress found herself narrowing her silver eyes when they landed on a mage from Sabertooth. Minerva. The spectators cheered for the girl and Rae found it annoying. She rolled her eyes and silently prayed that Minerva would do nothing harmful to her sister and Juvia.

Or else, she would throw a fit and kill the girl. Lucy was participating the game as well. The rules were simple. If they left the water, they were out. Since Lucy was in water, she could use Aquarius and that was a good contest for her. Or so Rae thought. But she shouldn't forget about Minerva either.

That girl held a strong power and it's making Rae hated her much more with her bitchness. The bell was ringing and the game began. Rae watched Lucy opened the Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius. It had been a long time since she met her and believed it or not, Aquarius and Rae were actually acquainted.

Knowing what the spirit was about to do, Juvia quickly attacked Aquarius and Lucy with her Water Cyclone, creating a powerful whirlpool. It surprised Rae to see the blue haired girl had definitely improved. Aquarius and Juvia's attacks were colliding head on.

Rae watched the game with interest when Jenny decided to take an advantage on Juvia's attack to land a kick to Rocker's face, a mage from Quatro Puppy. He was forced out of the water and Rae held back a laugh when he fell on his face on the ground.

He's out. The crowd only got louder as they only cared about the girls in swimsuits. The brown haired girl watched Cheria used her magic to attack Risley but was unsuccessful. Juvia and Aquarius were equal. Both of them held great power.

Rae wanted to knock her own head when she listened to Aquarius telling Lucy that she had a date. Much to her dismay, the spirit really left for her date, leaving Lucy wide open. The Dark Enchantress shook her head and breathed out, seeing Lucy was able to save herself from Juvia by summoning Aries and Virgo.

The audience cheered loudly with hearts in their eyes when Aries appeared with fluff wool and Virgo wearing a revealing attire. Both spirits helped Lucy to dodge attacks from Juvia. Rae turned her head to Fairy Tail Team A when she heard Wendy calling out for Cheria.

"Fairy Tail's Wendy-tan! It looks like she wants to get in on the action, too! She's as good as saying, 'this time for sure, I want to beat Cheria with my own hands!'" It's a pain to Rae's ears to hear the judges demanded to trade Lucy with Wendy.

She clenched her fists and found herself glaring at Chapati and the guest for saying that. The girl was very protective of her little sister and she would kill for her sister. As a comment was made on Fairy Tail not sending Wendy out, the water mage sent a powerful attack which knocked Cheria, Jenny and Risley out of the water.

She gained herself six points for knocking out three at once. Rae-sama, are you watching me? The Dark Enchantress smiled softly as she read Juvia's thought. She didn't know why did Juvia want to impress her so bad. Rae opened her mouth to warn the girl about the incoming attack from Minerva but it seemed like she was too late.

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