One Hundred and One

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Jimin and Jeongguk had entered back into their bedroom, Jeongguk carrying Yoobin who was now awake.

Seokjin was pacing the room waiting for them to come back, Jimin looked over at him and sighed before smiling.

"So what?" The beta asks as soon as he sees them, "Jin, it'll be okay" the omega tries to reassure while gesturing for him to come and sit on the couches with him.

"They're being put at the other end of the castle, we'll have seperate dinner times, I'm always going to be with guards" Jimin explains all the changes to him, even listing more things they had discussed in the meeting.

Seokjin sighed, "I don't think that's going to be enough Jimin" the chef expresses his concern, "they're here for you, I just know it" he adds on.

"I know that Seokjin, we all do" Jimin says and sits forward to grab his hands, "when it comes to it though, I can protect myself if I need to, but there is always going to be someone with me" he says softly.

Seokjin rolls his eyes, "trust me, Jeongguk won't let anything happen to me, plus I'll be damned if anyone tries to hurt me, I've still got my pups to protect" Jimin giggled.

He unconsciously started to rub his tummy, the bump slowly getting bigger each day, Seokjin nods his head.

Yoobin had came over to the two, Jimin smiles over at him thinking he was going to go to him, instead he had went to hug Seokjin.

"It's okay hyung, you don't have to be upset" he says, Seokjin smiled down at him and moved his hair away from his forehead to place a kiss there.

"Alright fine, but if I see them near you I will end them" the older male says, Jimin chuckled at his response and nodded his head.

"I'm fine with that" he says, Seokjin hugs Yoobin once more before he stood up from the lounge.

He quickly pulled Jimin in for a hug, "don't forgot your parents had put me in charge of your safety, I will do everything I can to make sure that you're okay" he reassures Jimin.

The omega's eyes begin to water as he nods his head, Seokjin pulls him in tighter before pulling away completely and leaving the room with a small "goodbye."

Jimin went over to Jeongguk who was sat on the edge of the bed, he had stepped between the alpha's legs and pulled Jeongguk's head to his chest as he hugs him.

Jeongguk's arms had wrapped around his waist in response, "sounds like you are well protected" the alpha mumbled against his chest.

"Seems everyone in this castle will do anything to keep you safe" he adds on, he looks up at the omega, "you were meant to be my prince."

Jimin smiles down at him then leaned down to place a kiss on his lips. "You were meant to be my alpha" the omega replied back.

Jeongguk hummed in agreement. "I think it's time for bed, I'm tired after the day I've had today" Jimin says softly, he looks over at Yoobin sitting on the lounge playing with his teddy.

"I like that idea" Jeongguk says and moves back to get settled in bed, "baby, we're going to bed now, are you coming?" Jimin calls for him and the boy comes straight over to them.

Jimin helps him onto the bed and he crawls to the middle of the bed, the omega goes to the other side of the bed and gets in as well.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" The alpha asks Yoobin but the boy shakes his head no and lays down to face him.

Jimin turns off the lights and lays down as well, the three of them falling asleep not long afterwards.


"Babe, come on" Namjoon says as he looks up from his bed to see Seokjin pacing around the room.

"This isn't good" the older beta said out loud, a frown etched on his face.

"Seokjin" the guard calls, he stands up from the bed and walks over to grab Seokjin by the shoulders, his boyfriend feeling tense under his hands.

"He'll be okay" he tries to reassure, the older male had changed his look to one of worry and his eyes began to water.

"I can't loose him Joonie" Seokjin whispered out as he looked into his boyfriends eyes, the guard had sighed and pulled him in for a hug.

"We won't loose him Jinnie, we'll make sure of it" the younger beta had whispered into his ear, "he's well protected here" he adds on.

"I'm sure gguk has a plan, he wouldn't allow it if he knew that Jimin could be harmed" Namjoon said, Seokjin nodded his head after that.

"His parents trusted my family to look after him joonie, what if something does happen to him?" He asks the male, Namjoon knew by now that he was crying.

"Let's not think like that" Namjoon steps back from the hug to cup Seokjin's cheeks in his hands.

"How about we go for a relaxing bath, get into some cozy clothes and lay down for a movie?" He asks the older male, Jin thought about it for a second before he nodded his head.


Taehyung was worried for his friend, of course he was, the very people that had gotten his parents killed are now staying in the same palace as him.

However, he knew that there were many people around the omega that would jump to protect him at any given moment.

So he wasn't caught pacing around his alpha's bedrooms going crazy out of his mind at all the troublesome thoughts like his older friend was.

He was instead found to be squished between both of his alphas, all three of them covered in a thin layer of sweat, the omega moaning out continuously.

Both his alpha's filling up the one hole of his so nicely, the older alpha beneath him as he laid on his chest.

Then the younger alpha between Yoongi's spread legs and also taking the omega from behind.

Taehyung's mind clear of everything except for Hoseok and Yoongi, their scent mixing together to wash over the omega's body, scenting him so that they would all he smelt for the next few days to come.


A/N: hello loves,

So I'm finally back with yet another update of this story, I can't believe that we're up to 101 already, like I honestly didn't think it was going to go for this long.

And once again I'm so excited for the sequel guys like, I really want to give you a spoiler but I don't know how I would do it.

Would you guys even like a little spoiler though?

Anyways, guys, I kinda made a curious cat, if you want to go leave me anything on it, it is the first link in my bio, so feel free to do so.

Alright now, love y'all, hope you like this chapter, love that ending.

Stay Home, Stay Safe :)

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