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It was late by the time they had all arrived back at the castle, some guards rushing out with a stretcher already knowing that they would need it upon arrival.

Jimin and Jeongguk both got out of another car, tiredly walking inside the castle and heading towards the throne room since Jeongguk's father had requested that they meet in there to talk about what happened.

As they entered the room the first person they had noticed was Kang Chisoo off to the side, standing up straight and waiting to bow when they had entered.

"Father" Jeongguk says as he bows, he then turns to Chisoo and bows slightly.

Jimin quickly does the same but goes to hide behind Jeongguk's body so that he wasn't able to be seen by the other unfamiliar king.

"Let's get this discussion started then" Mr Jeon says as he stands up from his throne and moves towards a table that's set up in the centre of the room.

"Why is Mr Kang here?" Jimin asks quietly to Mr Jeon but everyone heard him.

"Mr Kang has agreed to help us with our problems" the king had announced to everyone, the male smiling proudly as he joins the table.

Jimin turned towards a guard that was off to the side and asked him quietly if he would be able to just grab a chair for him, since he was quite tired and just wanted to lay down, but he couldn't yet.

Once Jimin was seated they had all decided to begin going over everything they knew.

Mr Jeon, Mr Kang, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jeongguk and Jimin where all surrounding the circular table that were covered in different papers, with different pieces of information covering them.

But afterall, they still don't know who is originally behind the attacks and why.

All they knew was that Mr Choi is now helping them, which they guessed Mr Song was with him as well, since he too had been let out that day.

They had been there for god knows how long before Jimin had gotten extremely tired, he had his arm up on the table resting his chin in the palm of his hand as he slowly had started to fall asleep.

He occasionally let out small yawns and his eyes began to close slowly, his body leaning off to the side slightly but quickly bolts up once he wakes up again.

Jeongguk had looked over at him a couple of times when he had done so, moving over to the omega and running his fingers through his hair, which didn't help the younger male any.

"Alright, let's finish up for the night, you're probably tired from the travelling" Mr Jeon finally said not long after but the omega had fallen asleep against the table, one of his hands lightly gripping onto Jeongguk's shirt.

Jeongguk nodded his head, he quickly bowed to both the kings standing across from him before turning towards his sleeping husband.

He carefully pried Jimin's small hand from his shirt before leaning down to pick him up bridal style to carry him off to their bedroom.

Yoongi, of course, helped open all the doors for him.

The alpha carefully placed the omega down onto the bed, pulling the blanket up to cover the younger, the boy had grabbed it to cuddle up in it, pulling it up to his chin.

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