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Jimin and Taehyung were sitting at home watching a movie when his phone started to ring, he picked the phone up and mindlessly answered the call.

"Hello?" He asked quietly, "Jimin, I need you and Tae to do me a favour" Seokjin said through the phone, the background was full of noise and Jimin could tell that Jin was currently busy.

Jimin hummed waiting for Jin to continue talking, "I need you guys to come here and help me, we are short on kitchen staff and I have a lot to do" he said quickly through the phone.

Jimin turned the movie off and stood up from the lounge causing Taehyung to whine, "we are coming now hyung" Jimin said back and started to grab his belongings.

Seokjin thanked him and hung up the phone going back to what he was doing.

"What's going on?" Taehyung asked also grabbing his own belongings, "jin needs help at the kitchen, he is short staffed again" Jimin replied back softly.

"I don't know if you should be going out today Jimin, your scent" he said worriedly, "it'll be fine Tae Tae" Jimin tried to reassure him with a smile.

Jimin and Taehyung started towards the castle, once they arrive the guards let them enter and they went through the kitchen entrance.

"Seokjin" Jimin called for the older male, Seokjin looked up from the bowl he had in front of him, he smiled as he looked over at his two roommates.

"Quick, grab some aprons" Jin told the boys, they went into the small staff storage room to grab some of the aprons.

Taehyung and Jimin helped each other to tie them around their bodies and went back to help Jin.

Jimin and Taehyung both have gotten quite good at cooking because they were always helping Seokjin in the kitchen, whether it be at the castle or at the house.

"Jiminie, can you help the other servants take the food to the hall?" Seokjin asked as he was focusing on what he was making in front of him, Jimin nodded and grabbed a couple of the plates that were finished.

He followed a couple of the other servants and placed the food down on the big table in the hall.

He had stood where he was for a second looking around the room, he was looking at the paintings and the beautiful furniture that decorated the area.

Jimin's lips parted slightly as he was surprised that he was standing in such a nice room, he continued looking around until he noticed that the rest of the staff had already left.

Jimin panicked, he left the room and tried to remember the way he came, as he turned a corner he bumped into a woman.

He apologized quietly and began walking away, but the girl grabbed his arm and pulled him back so he was pressed to her body.

Jimin gulped, he suddenly got a bad feeling as his wolf was whimpering, "are you lost?" she asked as a smirk formed on her face.

Jimin shook his head, the woman pressing Jimin up against the wall near them, her hands were pressed at Jimin's side and her face was close to his as he felt her breath fan over his face.

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