One Hundred

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A knock on the door had woken Jimin up from his sleep, he sat up and looked down to see his boy asleep next to him, the two must have fallen to sleep while watching a movie.

When there was no reply at the door the person knocking had decided to just open the door slowly and look inside.

He spotted the pregnant omega on the bed and just walked over quietly, Jimin looked at him sleepily before laying back down again.

"Jimin, you need to get up, the visitor's have just arrived" Yoongi had said quietly to not wake up Yoobin, Jimin hummed and waved him away but it didn't work.

"Jimin" the alpha called a little louder this time but still not enough to wake the boy, when Jimin didn't look like he was going to get up Yoongi had walked around to pick him up.

He placed the omega down onto the ground on his own feet and quickly reached over the bed to carefully pick up Yoobin.

He had the sleeping boy wrapped around him and was supporting him up with one hand as he held onto Jimin's hand with the other.

He began to pull Jimin out of the room and down the hallway to the section doors, the omega obviously protesting behind him but not doing much to stop him.

As they had gotten to the throne room Jimin had noticed everyone already standing in their places which confused him.

He had waited until Yoongi pulled him over to Jeongguk before wrapping his arms around his neck and closing his eyes, resting his head in the alpha's neck.

Yoobin still surprisingly slept in Yoongi's arms as he tried to hug as close as he could to the alpha, the sight making his omega boyfriend happy.

"They're coming now" Jeongguk whispered into Jimin's ear, the omega nodded his head and turned around in the alpha's arms but not moving away.

The room was quiet until the two people had stepped into the room, Seokjin who was stood off next to Jikook had quickly stepped in front of them protectively.

The king who was sat in his throne had frowned at the pair, he was about to speak up but Chisoo had interrupted him quickly.

"Grandmother, grandfather, what are you guys doing here?" He asks while walking over to them, Jimin frowns from behind Seokjin as he tries to look at them now.

"We wanted to come see our grandson" the old woman had said while looking around the room before landing her eyes on Kang.

The grandfathers red eyes had made eye contact with Jeongguk's own brown ones, the alpha's hold on the omega was also protective now from finding out who they were.

"It's quite rude to come to someone else court without an invitation" Jeongguk speaks up this time knowing that his father didn't invite them, he would have told Jeongguk before if he did plus the confused look on his face gives it away.

"ahh the newly wedded couple" the grandmother says with a smile on her face as she steps closer to the pair this time.

At the approach Hoseok and Hana had stepped forward, Namjoon also goes up to her and stops her from getting any closer.

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