One Hundred and Eighteen

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He did not feel good. He just knew that today was going to be bad.

Since the moment he had woken up he had felt off, about almost everything. His senses were on high alert and he was full of anxiety.

Jeongguk had came into the bedroom from the bathroom, dressed up in his usual formal casual clothing he wears while he is off doing his kingly duties.

While Jimin, he was still in bed, being ordered by Mrs Lee and Jeongguk to not do anything that'll stress him out, or rather to not really do anything but relax.

But today was very different, there was no way that he could relax.

The alpha had walked over to the bed where his husband was laying on his side watching him come closer.

He leaned down to place a kiss on Jimin's forehead and cheek.

"I have to go baby, i've asked the maids to get some of your favourite snacks and hana said that she would keep you company" Jeongguk said softly as he nosed at the omega's cheek.

Jimin had wrapped his hand around the alpha's wrist and looked up at him worriedly.

"no, stay with me please" he asked sadly, his stomach really twisting up with the bad feelings, making him almost feel nauseous.

Jeongguk's eyes had turned worrisome as he looked down at his mate. He had to go today, he had very important meetings he had to attend.

"baby, i really would stay but i have to go do some work things" Jeongguk says apologetically while running his hand through his husband's hair.

"i'm sorry, i'll come back as soon as i can but these are things i have to do today, things i've already put off a few times already" Jeongguk tries to smile reassuringly at him as he thought of something that could cheer the boy up.

"how about when i get back, i can run us a warm bath to have together and i'll bring an extra packet of marshmallows, hmm" Jeongguk suggests with an innocent smile spreading across his lips.

Jimin nodded his head with a sad sigh, not wanting to make his husband feel bad about leaving him to do what he needs to do.

"and pickles" Jimin adds on in a whisper making his mate chuckle softly at him. "and i'll bring pickles" Jeongguk replied back softly.

Jeongguk kissed Jimin one last time before he stood up again and waved goodbye as he was walking out of the door.

As Jeongguk had said to Jimin, not long afterwards and Hana was joining him in the bedroom with a lot of Jimin's favourite snacks at the moment.

The omega turned to look at the food that the alpha had dropped on the bed next to him before he looked up at the older woman.

"Hana, can you do me a favour?" he asks quietly, not knowing how she will react to what he is about to ask.

"of course, your grace" Hana says as she stands up a bit straighter , ready to do what he asks of her.

"I need you to go to Jeongguk for today, i have a bad feeling" Jimin says as he looks at the alpha seriously.

"King Jeon already has guards with him" Hana says in confusion while she softly frowns.

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