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Jungkook exited Jimin's room and turned towards his fathers head bodyguard, "what does he want?" Jungkook asked the man angrily.

"He told me not to tell you, prince" the older man said, Jungkook clenched his jaw, "Of course he did" he grumbled.

"Where is he?" He asked the man in front of him, "study" the bodyguard replied back a smirk on his face.

Jungkook really dislikes the bodyguard, he is the only person in the castle that won't do as Jeongguk would tell him.

Jeongguk started to head towards the study but realised that Hyunsoo was walking behind him, following him and that pissed him off.

"You don't need to escort me, I'm perfectly capable of getting there myself" Jungkook said angrily and began walking again.

He had managed to get to his father's study without being followed by the annoying man, he took a couple of deep breaths to calm down before knocking on the doors.

"Come in" his fathers low voice sounded from behind the door, Jungkook opened the door and entered into the study to close the door behind him.

He walked over to sit down in one of the seats across the desk and waited for his father to talk.

"Sorry for sending Hyunsoo after you again, I know he annoys you but he was the only one around me at the time" his father apologised as he took off his glasses and looked up at his son.

"It's fine" Jungkook huffed out the last bit of annoyance he had in his system, "what did you want to talk about father?" He asked politely.

"Your sisters will be coming back tomorrow, I need you to greet them at the airport" his father said as he looked over at his computer for a second.

Jungkook nodded his head, "is there anything else?" he asked quietly, his father thought for a second before speaking.

"I heard you moved someone into the guest room next to the garden" he said with a raised brow.

Jungkook thought he would be in trouble for doing this as he hadn't actually asked his father about it, but he seemed to be relaxed.

"Yes, I did" he replied back simply, his father nodded his head and leaned back in his chair, "why?" He questioned his son.

"He isn't safe outside the castle, so I thought that I'd move him in here where he would be protected" Jungkook had told his father only a bit of the reason as to why he had moved Jimin into the palace.

His father nodded his head, "you can go now" he said before putting his glasses back on and returning to his work that was spread out on the desk in front of him.

Jeongguk decided to go finish some work that he hadn't been able to do earlier.

Jungkook sighed and looked towards the clock on the wall of his study, he was feeling exhausted from looking at so much paper for the last few hours.

He stood up from the chair and walked over to Jimin's room, he knocked quietly on the door before opening it and entering the room.

As he walked into the room he saw Hoseok and Yoongi sitting on the couch watching a movie, although Yoongi seemed to be asleep.

Jeongguk walked around the couch to get a better look at the three that was curled up on the lounge.

Jimin was asleep against Yoongi's shoulder and Yoongi had his head resting against the Omega's as he slept aswell and Hoseok was just watching the movie that was playing on the tv.

"Hoseok" Jungkook called to catch his attention, he moved around to sit next to the awake Alpha.

"He's so cute" Jungkook spoke up, Hoseok just nodded his head as he looked over at the sleeping two with a fond smile on his face.

"I'm gonna have to find him personal guards" Jungkook said as he looked towards Hoseok, he leaned back on the couch, "only mated Alpha's, they have to be ones I can trust" he added on as he went through names in his head.

Jungkook hummed as he got three different names stuck in his head, he smiled, "I would be more than happy to watch him" Hoseok said teasingly.

Prince flared over at Hoseok "not a chance" he said before standing up, there was a knock at the door then it opened.

Namjoon stuck his head through the door to look over at the three that were now awake.

Yoongi yawned into his hand as he lazily looked over at Hoseok and Jungkook, he slightly bowed his head at Jungkook before resting his head back on Jimin's, this time staying awake.

"Where have you been?" Jungkook asked confused, "I went to get something to eat and the chef asked me to help him with something" Namjoon explained a slight red colour coming to his cheeks.

"You were with Seokjin?" Jungkook asked, a smirk coming to his face, Namjoon nodded his head before moving around to sit next to Yoongi.

Namjoon was sitting there for a second before he stood up again, "I forgot, dinner is ready" He said as he turned to look over at the four people sitting on the lounge.

Jeongguk and Hoseok stood up, while Yoongi tried to carefully wake the Omega up, his eyes slowly opened as he looked up at everyone around him.

Jimin was starting to freak out from everyone watching him, so he moved to sit on Yoongi's lap and wrap his arms around his neck to hide his face.

Yoongi looked over at Jeongguk's glaring face, he seemed to get jealous over this Omega easily, which the two guards had been using to their advantage to tease him.

"Time for dinner little Omega" Hoseok chuckled, his arms tightened around Yoongi, the Alpha stood up from the couch while Jimin was clinging to him.

So Yoongi decided to just carry the small boy because it didn't seem like he was gonna let go anytime soon.

A/N: So apparently I have to come up with three different names now 🤦🏻‍♀️

I didn't even think of that before I wrote it but I thought it was a good idea, so yeah.

Anyways, there isn't a lot of jikook atm considering this is a Jikook story but I'll get more into soon.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, here is a gif :)

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, here is a gif :)

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