Twenty Three

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A week later: Thursday

Jungkook entered his room, it was 2 in the morning but he had only just finished up the work that his father had sent to him to do.

The alpha yawned as he had kicked off his shoes at his door before slowly undressing while walking towards the bathroom, his mind set on quickly showering then going to bed.

But that idea was soon out of his head once he spotted his omega relaxing back in the bathtub, bubbles covering the top of the water and the scent of strawberries fill the room.

"What a nice surprise" Jungkook says while walking over to the tub, Jimin hummed before leaning forward, making enough room for Jungkook to get in behind him.

"I was waiting for you but was starting to fall asleep, thought I might have a bath to help keep me awake for a while longer" the omega says softly and leans back onto Jungkook's chest once the male was in the water properly.

"You didn't have to wait up for me" Jungkook says while kissing the top of the boy's head, Jimin closed his eyes and sighed, "I know, I wanted to" the omega sleepily replies back.

Jungkook turned his body a little and titled Jimin's face up to place a kiss on the boy's lips, Jimin's arm coming up to wrap around the back of his neck so Jungkook wouldn't pull away to quickly.

When Jungkook finally pulled away to catch his breath, he smiled, "how about we just rest for tonight?" He suggested but Jimin shook his head.

"I haven't seen you properly the last couple of days" Jimin whined, "I've missed you" the omega added on sadly, Jungkook looked down at the male in front of him.

"How about, we just sleep tonight and in the morning, i'll do whatever you want me to do" Jungkook suggested, a smile on his face as he just placed a kiss on the males cheek.

Jimin thinks about it for a second before pulling Jungkook in for another kiss, this kiss didn't go as long as the other one did, before he was pulling away to lean back on Kook again.

In Jimin's sleepy state, on the verge of falling asleep, so close that he didn't even realise that he had whispered out "I love you" to Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes were wide, "mini, what did you say?" Jungkook asked softly but soon figured out that the younger had fallen asleep on him, the omega had gotten yet another smile out of the alpha.

"So cute" he whispered, before relaxing back in the warm water.

Jungkook had stayed in the tub just cuddling Jimin close to him until the water began to turn cold.

He carefully got out and picked Jimin up gently, he had dried him off the best he could before placing Jimin down on the bed and tucking him in, while Jungkook soon followed him.

Jungkook was able to sleep for an hour before his phone alarm had started to ring, he reached over to grab his phone immediately to have a look at what alert was going off.

The prince quickly got out of bed and dressed into some shorts before rushing into the study, he logged into his computer and brought up every security camera in the palace.

The male watched each camera closely before he was able to spot a shadowy figure in one of the cameras, but he began to worry as the person had been in Jimin's room.

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