Forty One

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"Woah, Jeongguk are you okay?" Boyoung asks as she enters into the alpha's study, no one hasn't really seen him the last few days except for Namjoon and Hoseok but they rarely saw him as well.

"Yeah, just having trouble sleeping" he said with a yawn, "now sit down, we need to figure something out" Jeongguk instructed.

Boyoung followed what he said and sat down across from his desk, "you should really go and get some rest" Bo expressed her worry towards the prince but he just waved his hand around lazily.

"No, really it's fine" Jeongguk said before looking towards his computer to look at the time, "huh, is it really that time? I didn't even realise" Jeongguk said as he sighed and rubbed his hand down his face.

"Yes, Jeongguk, it's 3 in the morning, this is why I am worried" she said and reached over to grab his hand in a friendly way, he sighed and looked down to notice the clothes that the omega was wearing.

"Where were you at this time in the morning?" The prince asked with a raised brow at the girl, she blushed and let go of his hand, "I went out to see Jackson for a few minutes" she replied back quietly.

"Is Jackson your mate?" Jeongguk asked as he leaned back on his seat, the omega nodded her head at the male "I have an idea, I just want your input on it" The alpha said after a few seconds of silence.

Boyoung just nodded her head again, "so we need to start handling the things that your father is threatening you with, starting with Jackson" Jeongguk explains causing the omega to perk up.

"Okay, what should we do?" She asked quietly, "well, let's get him out of reach from your father, I'm thinking maybe a new job, how about he comes to work here, at the castle, he'll be well paid and he will be situated with free housing" Jeongguk suggested to the girl, "I'm in need on new guards anyways" he added on.

Boyoung smiled at Jeongguk, "Are you serious?" She asked happily causing the alpha to smile and lightly nod his head, "Namjoon told me that he knows you mate, he said that when they talked he was only working there for you, now that you're here what's the point in him staying, right?" Jeongguk explained.

"I'll be more than happy to supply you both with a job and house, you'll have plenty of money, a house to start a family if you choose to and you'll be protected" the alpha persuaded a smile coming onto the omega's face as she listened to the prince talk.

"I'll have to talk to him but I'm more than happy with that, thank you Jeongguk this really means a lot to me" Boyoung said as her eyes started to tear up, "well, I know that you don't want this marriage as much as I don't, I'm simply just helping us both out of it" the prince mumbled as he picked up his phone to see if he had any messages from Hoseok or Yoongi but there was nothing.

"Is Jimin upset at you?" Boyoung asks softly, Jeongguk nodded his head as he looked down at the phone that sat face down on the desk.

"I shouldn't have done it" Jeongguk mumbled into his hands as he rubs his face, "Jackson was upset but father was extremely happy that so many people are talking about us now" Boyoung says as she sits back in her seat thinking about the two different conversations that she had with both Jackson and her father.

"My father's tried calling me but I've ignored every call, I don't feel like talking to him and hearing how happy he is" the prince said truthfully while letting out a huff of air.

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