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"Jeongguk, Taehyung's just called me" Yoongi says as he walked up behind the prince to begin whispering in his ear.

Jeongguk excuses himself from the table and went to somewhere more private so they could talk.

"Is everything alright? Is Jimin okay?" He asked quickly, worry clear in his eyes, Yoongi sighed and looked at Jeongguk with a hard look.

"This is about Boyoung isn't it?" Jeongguk sighed as well, "Taehyung called me yelling about you hurting his bestfriend and how he's asked Seokjin to take him home" Yoongi explained to the younger alpha.

"He went home? why didn't anyone stop him?"  Jeongguk asked angrily, "this is on noone but yourself Jeongguk, you didn't have to fucking kiss the girl like that" Yoongi said raising his voice slightly.

Jeongguk frowned at the older alpha, "have you forgotten who you're talking to?" The prince asked angrily causing Yoongi to step back a bit, Hoseok and Namjoon soon coming over to join them.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked worriedly, "Jimin's gone home with Seokjin" Jeongguk answered with a growl while staring Yoongi down with a glare.

"Good" Hoseok says, "maybe it will teach you to think of the consequences of your actions" he added on catching Jeongguk's attention.

"It was just a little kiss, why is everyone so upset about it?" Jeongguk growled at the three males, "a little kiss? Jeongguk you had your fucking tongue down the girl's throat" Yoongi snapped back, Namjoon soon moving to stand in front of the older alpha.

"Yoongi, calm down" Hoseok said as he came over to pull Yoongi away from the prince, "why is he always so protective over MY omega?" Jeongguk asked angrily to Namjoon.

"Because you keep hurting him, did you even think about what that would do to your mate?" Namjoon asked carefully, Jeongguk groaned and moved to sit on the garden bench near them.

"I was caught up in the moment, I only meant it to be friendly, we both know that it didn't mean anything" Jeongguk explained, "you both know it meant nothing but what about everyone else? Jimin obviously didn't think so" Namjoon questioned as he moved to sit down next to the prince.

Jeongguk decided to stay quiet thinking about the question and soon realising that maybe Namjoon was right.

"Would you like me to take you to Seokjin's house?" Namjoon offered quietly, Jeongguk nodded his head and stood up from the bench, "I'll go tell Boyoung, you get the car ready, leave the limo here for Bo" Jeongguk instructed as he walked back over to the large group of people.

He sat down in his seat with a smile before turning his body towards Boyoung's, he leaned over to whisper into the omega's ear.

"Somethings happened so I'm going to leave early, the limo is ready to leave whenever you are" he told the girl, she smiled at him and nodded her head, "I'm gonna stay a while longer, I'm enjoying myself" she said and lightly peaked Jeongguk's lips.

The thought that he should have only done the same earlier popped into his head but he pushed it back for now.

Jeongguk smiled again before standing up and walking towards the car, Yoongi sat in the drivers seat while Namjoon sat in the passenger seat leaving Hoseok to sit in the back.

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