Seventy Three

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"Jeon Jimin" Jeongguk calls softly as he pulled away from another passionate kiss, Jimin giggles at him and lightly hit his chest.

"Jeon Jeongguk, my love, my alpha, my husband" Jimin says back quietly, the people around them cooed.

"I think we should move into the hall now" Yoongi whispers as he leans more towards Jeongguk.

"Way to kill the moment Yoongs" Jimin says while he gently glared over at his friend.

Jeongguk had pulled Jimin into his side, his arm protectively wrapped around his shoulders, hugging him close.

"I would kindly ask for everyone to make their way into the hall for the afterparty" Jeongguk calls out to the crowd, "please be careful of the garden on your way out not to cause any damage" the alpha added on with a friendly smile.

People slowly made their way into the hall leaving behind both the groom party's.

"So, you're officially married" Yoongi says while he walks over to join Taehyung's side, the omega instantly taking comfort into his boyfriends arm.

Seokjin rushes forward to pull Jimin in for a tight hug, "My baby is married" the beta said happily, Jimin smiled at him as he hugged his friend back just as tightly.

"I'm so happy for the two of you" Namjoon says as he comes over to give Jeongguk a quick hug before carefully prying Seokjin off of Jimin.

The omega had joined back at Jeongguk's side happily, a big smile on his face as he looked between all of his friends.

Jimin was about to say something else but had stopped once Mr Song's voice had cut through the moment that the group was having.

"Quickly off to change, the guests are all waiting" he said trying to split apart both Jimin and Jeongguk.

"Hey, get your hands off him" Jeongguk says as he steps forward and pushes Mr Song back after he had once again grabbed Jimin's arm.

"what gives you the right to touch my omega like that?" The alpha asks, he was expecting for the beta to apologise or not say anything at all but boy was Jeongguk wrong.

"Well, I did the same to your mother" the beta male said, the older man not knowing exactly what he had just gotten himself into.

Jeongguk growled as he took a protective step forward, his eyes turning an angry red, "what did you say about my mother?" The alpha growled out, the people inside probably able to hear him.

"Didn't you know that I was your mothers assistant?" Mr Song had said with a shit eating grin on his lips, Jimin's hand holding onto Jeongguk's hand tightly, stopping him from completely losing control and attacking the old man.

"Speaking of which, don't you think she would be disappointed that you married an omega like Jimin, he only seems to like the attention he gets from being around you" Mr Song added on and sighed sarcastically.

Jeongguk growled again, his eyes turning brighter, he went to jump onto the beta but Jimin pulled him back, he called for his guards to help hold him back.

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