Twenty Two

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This chapter is a bit more of a jk focused chapter but you'll understand why I chose this photo once you read the chapter, but this is what I imagine the room to look like ☺️


Nearly a week later: Thursday

Jimin moves mindlessly throughout the castle hallways, realising he hasn't actually had a decent look around since coming to stay at the beautiful palace.

But if he was being completely honest, the only reason he was mindlessly walking around was because he had gotten lost by accidentally taking a wrong turn heading towards the kitchen.

He didn't seem to mind though, he was only going to the kitchen so he could hang out with Seokjin for a while anyways.

Jimin came to a dead end, but right at the end of the corridor was a old, white, wooden door, Jimin looked around the empty hallway before walking towards the door and opening it.

He slowly walked up the small staircase, he was quiet surprised once he got to the top of the stairs, he didn't think that such an old, empty, dusty room could look as beautiful as it did.

The sunlight peaking in through the old windows and old railed doorway that seemed to be missing the doors off of it, Jimin smiled and walked further into the room.

The omega hummed as he walked over to the small doorway and leaned against the railing, he closed his eyes as he let the sunlight just kiss his skin, warming his face up.


Jungkook had entered into the kitchen with a frown on his face as he looked around the area, only spotting Seokjin sitting down with Namjoon eating.

"I have two questions to ask" Jungkook says, both beta's turning around to look at him, "first thing, what the hell are you doing here, I've been asking for you all morning?" Jungkook asked but waved him off when he was about to answer back.

"Secondly, have you seen Jimin? he wasn't in his room" Jungkook asked again, Seokjin looked at him confused and shook his head, "I haven't seen him since breakfast this morning" Jin answered back softly.

Jungkook just nodded his head, he turned around to leave the kitchen but stopped and looked over his shoulder at the guard, "We're gonna have to seriously talk about you always disappearing" Jungkook says while pointing over at Namjoon.

Once Namjoon nodded his head Jungkook then left the kitchen to continue looking around for the omega.

After looking around for an hour he still hadn't found the younger male and was starting to worry for his mate.

Jungkook decided to head back towards Jimin's room in hopes that he had gone back there.

So when Jungkook had neared the room he was able to spot Hana and Sungjae sitting at the door, so he let out a sigh of relief.

"I was beginning to worry, where did he go off to?" Jungkook asks the two guards but they look at him confused, "sorry sir, what do you mean?" Sungjae asked while looking between Hana and Jungkook.

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