One Hundred and Nineteen

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Warning: Death, violence/fighting


Jeongguk was in an important meeting with the court council, He was in the main throne room sitting in his chair.

He had highly placed palace guards covering for Hoseok and Yoongi while they were busy settling in with their new pup.

Namjoon was stood next to Jeongguk and Hana had arrived to the room not too long ago since Jimin had sent her over.

However Hana had stood in the back corner away from the meeting but keeping a shark eye out on everyone for anything suspicious.

Jimin hasn't ever acted that way to her before, so something surely had to go wrong today and she was going to stick with what Jimin told her to do, to make sure his mate stays safe.

Once the meeting had finished the council had bowed to Jeongguk before leaving the room.

The king slumped over in his chair and rubbed at his face, he was worried about Jimin and couldn't stop thinking about him.

Jeongguk turned to look at Namjoon, "Taehyung and Seokjin have been sent home?" he questioned the beta male.

Namjoon nodded his head, "i made sure they left" the older male replied back as he stepped closer to the alpha, so they could talk as privately as they could.

"Jimin hasn't found out about the attacks, right?" Jeongguk asked this time, Namjoon nodded his head.

"He shouldn't know, the few people that knew about them have been warned not to tell him" Jeongguk was the one to nod his head this time.

"Good, he doesn't need that stress right now" Jeongguk sighs while sitting back in his throne.

"I think you're handling everything really well Gguk, i'm proud of you" the older male says while turning to face forward.

Jeongguk faces forward as well but a smile graces his lips.

A maid had walked into the room now, she quickly bows to Jeongguk before looking up at the alpha excitedly.

"The King has been taken to the clinic for labour" she announced to Jeongguk and his guards.

The alpha looked up at his guard before quickly standing up, he went to rush for his omega but was stopped by two palace guards at the door.

"Move out of my way" the king said with a frown. Namjoon came over as well to help push them away but it didn't work.

"Congratulations on the birth of your pup" Jeongguk looked towards the maid now but stopped the pushing.

He knew that voice all too well.

"Go back to the clinic and tell them to take Jimin to the safe house" Jeongguk instructs the maid and she nodded before running off incase anyone tries to stop her.

Jeongguk stepped back from the two guards and turned towards the male that was walking up towards the thrones.

The alpha's hands were clenching at his side in anger. His mate was about to have his pups and they decide that now would be a good time to take them over.

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