Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Seven: Close Your Eyes

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"This is going to be his last Monday alive," Anthony sighed, "He didn't want to come with me."

Beezy said, "There's nothing we can do."

"I feel bad about it."

"Don't. It's not your fault."

Anthony said, "I won't be able to live with myself if he's dead."

"You could."

"No, I'd probably kill myself," Anthony sighed. He closed his eyes and sighed again.

Beezy said, "We could bust in there for the last church service."

"We could. We'd have to bust the gate down with your truck."

"I drive a truck to bust down fences."

Anthony squinted his eyes as he said, "No, you drive a truck because it's big, and you're tiny. Small. Short."

"That is also correct."

"The only correct answer actually."

"I will go run over a fence right now Anthony J. Crowley!"

"Let's go then Beezebriel Dowry Bubson!"

"Let's go!"

They both then ran out to the truck. Together they drove around for about an hour before determining there's no good gates to run over.

There did happen to be stop signs tucked way back in the hills. Those happened to be very good targets to run over.

Beezy smiled as they swerved off the road and plowed the stop sign down. Anthony shrieked as it was ran over.

"I didn't think you'd actually do that!"

Beezy said, "It gives the county boys something to do. They also won't know who unless you say anything."

Anthony asked, "What about the we're not going to do anything illegal so we don't have to be displaced?"

"If you don't say anything we won't have to be. Doug and Mae are going through with actually adopting us."

Anthony slapped the dashboard and shouted, "Don't screw it up then!"

"I won't. You might."

"Me?" Anthony asked, "How?"

Beezy responded, "By saving Azira. That's illegal and even more it's just bad."

"No, it's a good thing. We've already agreed that some illegal things are illegal and stupid."


"I think it's worth it for Azira."

Beezy sighed, "I don't."

"Then you're saying you're not going to help me?" Anthony asked.

Beezy said, "I'll help you, because what's going on in there is wrong. Now I'd rather you just drive my truck and rescue Azira. That would work and I wouldn't be responsible."

"That would work! I should do that!"

"Then do it, Anthony."

"I will!"


"Lord, there's only six more days until we enter your kingdom. I'll be entering last. Please leave room for me. I need to get in and see my son. If it's not too much to ask I also want my dear friend Anthony to get in too. I know he's a sinner, and he will never repent again. He'll never admit his sins. He belongs in Hell according to the rules. I just ask that you either show me how to save him or just leave a spot. I'm a sinner too, but here I am on my knees, begging for forgiveness. You're very forgiving, but only to those who ask for it. I ask you forgive me from giving in to my temptations when Anthony broke in. I understand all I did was talk to him, but I still feel wrong. I know I'll be protected now. There's nothing that will stop me from reaching you, and I told him that. He didn't understand. He said there's Heaven on Earth, but nothing will compare to your paradise. Plus, I wouldn't have much time to enjoy the rest of the toxic Earth if I left. So, I'm not leaving, no matter if I'm frightened or saddened, which I will overcome. In your name. I pray amen."

Gabriel was on his knees right beside Azira.

"Lord, please forgive me. My sins run deeper than socialization. I was possessed by demons. I let them in. They inhabited my body, and hurt poor Azira. He's my friend. I don't want to hurt my friends. I beg for you to free my body from the sins of lust and wrath. I do not plan on walking into the gates tomorrow, for I am too ashamed of myself. It is up to you if you let me in when I die, but I understand if you do not. I pray in your wonderful name. Amen."

Holy water was dumped on Azira and Gabriel's heads. A whip was struck across their backs. Candles were put under their hands to burn their fingertips. They marched across hot coals. Smiles were forced on their faces the whole time.

"It will free the sinful demons from your body!" Gabriel's father shouted.

Azira kept going until he started throwing up blood.

"There they go! Azira, push them out!" Gabriel's father shouted.

Azira fell to his knees and started throwing up. Tears rolled down his face. He was in so much pain. He kept a smile on his face by knowing it would all be gone in Heaven.

Gabriel was made to keep going. His father made him drink holy water until he threw it all up.

By the end of it both Gabriel and Azira were panting hard.

"Now, Azira, you face the sin of sodomy and homosexuality, correct?"

Azira responded, "I am tempted by Anthony occasionally. He's been in my life these past weeks. The Lord is challenging me, and I am failing."

Gabriel's father nodded and said, "I'll show you how unpleasant it is. Take off your pants, Azira."


"You say no? So if I were to snap Gabriel's weak arms in two, would you still say no?"

Gabriel looked over at Azira and shouted, "Don't let him touch you Azira!"

Gabriel's father grabbed his son's arm and bent it back. "Don't do it, Azira. Don't say no."

Azira looked at how scared Gabriel was. He didn't want Gabriel to be hurt anymore.

"I'm sorry," Azira sighed, "I'm sorry."

Gabriel was let go, except he wasn't able to run far.

For the rest of the night he was left with Azira in the church. The floor of this room in the basement was dirty and covered with blood.

As Azira did, he prayed.

Gabriel did not. He was starting to loose his faith.

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