Home In Your Arms

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Song request by: mermaid-klance

Song: This Is Home - Cavetown

I'm so sorry if this is absolutely terrible. I pulled an all nighter to write this. I'm so tired my dudes... I'm in a constant feeling of 'is this a poorly written sentence' and I can't make up my mind about anything. Congratulations. 

Aziraphale looked down at his feet, tears occasionally dripping on his shoes.

"What's wrong angel?" Crowley asked. He had been watching Aziraphale sulk around all day. He never got an answer.

All of Aziraphale's sulking threw Crowley into a melencoly state. It seemed like a rain cloud hung over the two of them.

The difference between Crowley and Aziraphale's kind of sad is that Crowley was always more vocal about everything. Today he decided to mindlessly blabber about his fall.

"Aziraphale, you know, I used to be an angel."

Aziraphale briefly looked up at Crowley. "Mmhmph, of course you did."

Crowley leaned forward and continued, "Falling really hurt. It was out of nowhere. I was sent downwards in a light fashion compared to most others. It hurt too. I've still got scars in my back from it. Heaven just didn't want me. Nobody wants me. I'm Anthony J. Crowley and not even Hell wants me."




Aziraphale could feel his heart racing inside his chest. He had his chance to say that he wanted Crowley.

He drew a deep breath in.

"I want you, Crowley, more than anything, but I can't have you."

Crowley asked, "What do you mean angel?"

Aziraphale stood up abruptly. He said, "Crowley, I can't hear you ill-speak of yourself when... when I love you."

Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's wrist and said, "I want to have you forever. I really want you. I can't have you though. You know that."

Crowley smiled and sighed, "Angel, I know. I've known how you've felt for the past six thousand years."

"But we can't, you know that."

Crowley stood up and asked, "But wouldn't you like to?"

Aziraphale thought for a moment. "I would. We can't though."

Crowley caressed Aziraphale's cheek and sighed, "Oh angel, we should be able to though. Who's stopping us?"

Aziraphale looked up at the ceiling. "She is... The All Mighty."

"She can't say anything if we're too drunk to pay attention."

Crowley crossed his arms and began circling Aziraphale. The angel stood there. "Well I suppose if you want to risk me get in trouble let's get drunk and forget everything."

The two did just the such.

Crowley couldn't help but pass out on the couch, while Aziraphale was slightly smarter and sobered up.

Letting Crowley lay asleep wasn't an issue. It was Aziraphale's sober fears that bothered him. There wasn't a care in the world before he said anything to Crowley.

Aziraphale walked over to pick Crowley up. He stared at the demon for a moment before holding him bridal style.

"Ngh, angel?"

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