Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Four: I'm Going To Be Optimistic

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Tw: same ol same ol tws and child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse.


99¢ bowling is on Saturday. Beezy, Anthony, and their parents like to take advantage of this deal. Doug was once a champion bowler. He thought Anthony was pretty good at it too.

Saturdays were also good days for church bonding activities. If you're going to be stuck with these people forever, might as well get friendly with them. A bowling alley like this one is particularly welcoming to the local youth group, especially since most of the staff were once part of the local youth group, but then aged out when they turned eighteen.

Azira was not good at bowling. He perhaps could use some help with his throw. Perhaps he could use some help from the ginger two lanes over.

Perhaps this would be nice if they weren't part of two separate worlds now. Perhaps they'd say something. Perhaps they'd smile at each other.

All they did was glance, then look away.

That was until Azira slipped off to the bathroom. He cried in a stall. "No... No not him. He- he can't be here! No!"

Anthony also walked into the bathroom. "Azira? Are you crying?"

"I'm not Azira and I am not crying."

Anthony sighed, "Do you want me to go away?"

Azira responded, "I do."

"Oh alright. If that's really what you want."

Azira sniffled and sobbed, "I change my mind. Please stay."

Anthony said, "I thought so. Come on out."

Azira unlocked the stall and ran into Anthony's arms. "Anthony, I am such a sinner. I am, I am, I am..."

"No, you're not. Azira, you're so good. You've done everything they've asked you to do."

Azira mumbled, "I'm still not good enough."

"Yes, you are," Anthony whispered.

Azira said, "But I'm talking to you right now. I'm hugging you right now. It's wrong."

Anthony sighed, "You can let go."

Azira looked up and said, "Anthony, if this is wrong... Right now I don't want to be right."

He then smashed his lips against Anthony's. The two only broke apart for air.

"Azira, you kissed me."

"I know," Azira sighed, "You've tainted me. I know how this will go. I'll kiss you over and over again, then I'll go repent. I'll get into Heaven. You'll go to Hell. That seems very star crossed."

"Azira, I think if you just listened to me you'd realize how crazy this all is. It could be me and you. No more worrying. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Azira said, "I want to see my son again."

"I know. What if you get to the end, and it turns out there's nothing after this life?" Anthony asked.

Azira pulled away from the hug and said, "I don't want to think about that. I want to be optimistic."

"I'm optimistic, Azira. I'm optimistic that I can save you."

Azira stomped his foot down and said, "Well perhaps this is a sign, and I'm optimistic that I'll save you."

"A sign?"

"A sign to save you!"

Anthony walked to the door and said, "I don't want to be saved."

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