[58] Sacrifice

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Flaring her nostrils, Violet stared at the bed in frustration.

"Do you need one more pillow?" The seer asked after checking up on Jennifer's fever.

"No," the girl choked out roughly in her hoarse voice.

The seer backed away and crossed her arms across her chest. She nodded at Logan who was sitting away beside Violet on a chair.

He gulped slowly while observing the bare shoulders under the blanket. There were bruises and finger prints on her neck and cheeks.

"We know what happened last night, Jennifer." He began slowly with a blank face. "So much happened, last night. Apart from you getting chased by deadly men, another young woman was killed. Ida. You know her. Don't you?"

Tears filled up in Jennifer's eyes. She nodded her head mildly. Her small nose had turned red from controlling the weeping that was occurring.

Logan glanced at Violet in concern before looking back at Jennifer. "Preston and Lori were killed too. Davis was hurt in the shoulder. Rodwin, he. . . He found an injured Ida and Nathaniel came right then. Rodwin has been framed too. Doesn't it all look unfair and planned? Don't you think, Jennifer?"

Violet gulped while the seer observed Logan's concerned face.

"Who told you to go to Aunt Maria's land?" Logan asked to begin the story of the night. "I have to know each detail to save the innocents. Because along with Ida and you, Rodwin was about to get killed too. They put him on stake and tried to burn him. . ."

Violet gritted her teeth in impatience. "What happened with you? Why did you leave your home!" She asked the girl angrily.

Jennifer flinched and breathed heavily. She looked at them and said, "Mother. . ." Feeling pain at the scratches on her back, she winced slightly. The seer had put extra pillows underneath her to not let her middle back touch the bed.

". . . My mother sent me like any other day. We didn't know, it would be this dangerous. . ."

Logan sighed heavily while lowering his eyes. Violet gave her a curious look. "What happened then?" She asked quietly.

". . . After taking the milk from Lady Maria, I was returning. But in the way. . ." Jennifer gasped as the memories hit her hard. Her eyes filled up instantly as a sob broke out from her. ". . . They scared me with a whistle first. I ran when I felt strange. . ."

Her face turned red as she wept.

". . . Both of them, caught me. Dragged me. . . Ripped the front of my dress. . ." She sobbed softly. ". . . It was brutal. . . I tried to defend but they were stronger. . ."

"You should have ripped their balls off with your nails!" Violet said angrily while looking away.

Logan flinched slightly while raising his eyebrows for a moment.

No one could meet Jennifer's eyes when she further said, ". . . One had locked my hands and legs. One was almost there to do the horrors. . . I couldn't even breathe. . . No one could hear my screams. . . They were so rough. . . Determined. . ."

Violet's eyes filled up while Logan snaked his hand to caught hers and squeeze it to comfort her.

Jennifer wept softly while staring at the ceiling. ". . . They were so close to ruin me. . . But then, the Werewolf came. . ."

Chill ran down Violet's spine while Logan stared at Jennifer's face curiously.

The seer too stepped ahead in interest.

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