[2] Brave

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Feeling her heart shattering, Samara immediately turned to glare at a grinning Rodwin. He was standing there tall, well-built, just like she had said.

Most muscular of all. 

He had worn a loosely fitted shirt of grayish blue color. But seeing his grey eyes glittering with victory, she clenched her jaws in anger.

"So, you are alive."

"For my love," said Rodwin while bowing dramatically with a smirk on his face.

She could hear Logan still laughing behind her and even heard him putting the branches on the ground so he could laugh wholeheartedly.

"Oh! Rodwin. I swear, she looked pale. You would have caught a stomach ache by laughing at her face," said Logan breathlessly and tried to calm his laughter when saw Samara's clenched fists.

"This was utter nonsense for you should know how many men, our village has lost." At Ida's words, Rodwin's eyebrows raised. He looked back at Samara and stepped ahead making her step back in disgust.

"It doesn't matter, Ida. They are nonsensical since forever. I should have understood that they can never be serious," said Samara in a cold voice, making Rodwin smile amusingly at her.

"I was serious when I knew how you will cry at the mention of my death. I was right," mocked Rodwin slyly.

"Dying?" Samara scoffed while wiping her tears and started plucking her berries again. "No scratch of bravery on your skin. No wound of rawness!  Maybe, you had hide away from the war and were watching others fighting."

She suddenly heard Ida's gasp when her own arm was jerked by Rodwin. Samara glared at his face which was leaning closer to hers.

"Maybe, I am too sharp at dodging all the attacks and killing the enemy before they can even blink."

Samara's teeth gritted in anger as she twisted her wrist in his hold. "Leave my hand and keep on celebrating your sharpness. I have my people to visit who need me, especially my great lover," she muttered while smiling at him tauntingly.

At the mention of Nathaniel, Samara could see his jaw twitching in anger. She smiled in triumph and felt him loosening his hold to finally let go.

"Make sure to wash your face, Samara. He might get the idea that you have cried for me. Little signs like these may bring many doubts," he said while Samara stepped back to maintain a distance between them.

Her face shook in anger at his words and she wanted to stomp her foot in frustration. He would always do this. Every time, all the time. He would humiliate her, flirt with her and threaten her like this.

"I really wish for you to die," she said calmly through gritted teeth.

"Not without a fu.ck, Samara."

She heard Logan snickering behind her and gulped feeling too much humiliated to continue this conversation. Rodwin Lester had always been like this. Ready to make her hate him more by his each word and action.

"I can't wait any longer, Rodwin. Go fuck someone, soon. I am sure there may be many stupid girls who will fall for your sharpness."

Rodwin smirked and clicked his tongue while shaking his head. "No. I want to fuck the one who adore my muscles, who calls me most muscular of all," he said while flexing his arms in front of her making Logan snicker more.

Ignoring his nonsensical words, Samara breathed hard and turned around. In answering him again and again, she had herself fallen to his level. What must Ida, a high lord's daughter would be thinking of her to have such a conversation with someone who wasn't even her lover?

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