[53] Curiosity

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The early morning breeze had filled the grand hall. The long curtains were flying as if being audience to the unpredictable meet of the Royal, dressed up in nightgowns with the panting soldiers, one of them was being drenched in oil.

The Prince stood at the end of the stage with his head held high in deep thoughts. Behind him, his father was sitting on the throne, staring at the two soldiers with disbelief in his eyes.

"You said that this Davis had backed out from Lord Commandant's plan?" The Prince asked while looking at Logan.

Rodwin took along breathe to calm down his anger.

Logan nodded with a sigh. "Earl told me that he turned nervous when Preston and Lori mentioned about their plan to do more than just kidnapping her. Davis backed out. Earl himself tried to convince the boys to not do such things. But Preston and Lori were adamant. Earl backed out too and went to Nathaniel's home to inform him everything."

The Prince narrowed his eyes. "Davis backed out. So, he was alone in the forest. Then, Earl ran away to Nathaniel's home. He too was alone. Now, Nathaniel was alone at his home too."

Rodwin flared his nostrils.

"Samuel was with Lord Swanson's daughter. Jeffery was with Erasmus' team," said the King. "Preston and Lori were killed. Earl found Nathaniel and then, you." He told Logan. "Rodwin, you found Davis and then, met Ida. Finally, the whole team came."

"Where were you after meeting Earl?" The Prince asked Logan inmediately.

Rodwin looked at his friend merrily while shaking his head.

"I ran to look for Jennifer," said Logan as if it was the most obvious thing. "I was expecting to bump into Erasmus any soon as I am in his team. We have patrolled together. Later, I found Violet and Jennifer on the main road that goes to our village. She was on a horse. I let her go to the village and went back to the forest to meet Erasmus. I was worried if Jeffery or Samuel will be blamed forcefully. I also had to inform about what Earl had confessed to me."

Rodwin kept quiet in extreme anger.

The Prince nodded while glancing at him. The King sighed and said, "We are extremely apologetic towards everything that happened to you wrongfully, dear Rodwin. I give you my word that justice will happen. Lord Commandant will be punished for how he ordered the death sentence by just believing in the sole witness of the scene who happens to be his only son too."

Rodwin clenched his jaws and nodded in helplessness. His face said it all that he didn't want their empathy. He wanted the fairness and accountability.

Logan gulped as the King further said, "But now, saving your lives, you came here. Despite knowing that you have been claimed as the beast while you, Logan. . . you could be punished for helping in escaping the beast. You both came here to demand justice. We will provide you the justice. But if only you both honestly explain of all the odd chances of one of the soldiers being a beast."

The Prince nodded in agreement while Rodwin and Logan exchanged a disturbed glance.

Logan looked back at the father and son. He blinked calmly and explained, "Your highness, the question arises here is that why was Nathaniel at home? Even Ida was out in the forest. Then, why he stayed at home. It is suspicious."

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