[33] The Rainy Night-II

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Picking up the plates, she took them out in the balcony. She didn't have enough power left to continue with the chores and it was brutally cold. She would wash them the first thing in the morning. But now, she was just wanted to read ahead in the book, all the stories that could make her so informed that she could make an accurate conclusion of the soldier who had been ruined.

Her mother had slept after eating barely two breads. Samara had checked her skin and was relieved that fever had cold down a bit.

She removed the wasted curry from the plate and put it in dustbin. Washing her hands with soap, she was only returning towards the door of balcony when all of a sudden, she felt a movement happening across the lawn.

Her heart had almost stopped and eyes were frozen. She couldn't see the exact in such dark. But she knew, it was what she was thinking. She could make out the wolf-head, the glowing eyes, the shiny talons.

Her stomach curled up at remembering the first kill of his, then those high lords in the castle. She ended up remembering her own meet with him when he was right hovering above her, ready to kill her.

The wolf head was turned towards the tailor house. She had the slightest of opportunity to not make any further noise and step back quietly until she would reach the balcony door. She start doing it slowly while she observed him breathing harshly, standing on the hinge legs she had read about an hour ago. He was staring at the tailors lawn. She wished that they all were inside and safe. What could he be looking at?

She gulped when the Werewolf moved, his legs crossing the fence of iron wires. Samara was curious but she wasn't a fool. She stepped back hurriedly while listening the cries of the goats.

Oh my! She gasped.

The tailor had two goats. Before she could even look at him, the loud voice of a goat's cry echoed followed by the ripping of meat. She gulped down her own cry, covering her mouth to cover if she might anyway sob out loudly.

Some meat was thrown at their own lawn, while he selectively ate his meal.

Samara breathed while feeling dizzy. She stepped back and just when she thought, she had reached, her feet hit the wooden stand on which Violet's cloak was an hour ago.

Her eyes widened as the movement all around stopped. She heard sounds like dropping a big chunk of meat. Before she could even gasp, the Werewolf's head came in sight and slowly whole of him as he jumped on their lawn.

Samara was highly stunned.

A scream left her mouth when he let out a loud growl and started approaching her fast.

Screaming, Samara turned around, jumping to reach the door. Her hands fidgeted with the handle as she opened it and got inside, closing it the moment his body was two steps ago.

A loud growl ripped through their house while Samara fell back on the wooden floor but not before bolting it. The door was bumped twice before she heard a faint growl. Her eyes moved along with his shadow, ahead of the door to the left to reach their window.

It had bars. He won't be able to come in.

The curtains flied from the wind while through the bars, he slowly came in sight, his waist reaching the window.

She had nearly pissed, she knew. He was terrifying.

Her screams had died down inside at seeing something so dangerous. Her heart curled up when he lowered so his face came in sight. His glowing eyes meeting her.

Samara crawled back, shuddering when she thought about him coming here to complete the pending task.

His mouth opened, showing off his sharp teeth along with saliva sliding. He was ready to kill her, eat her meat. If she had read the book correct, he was lusting to eat her.

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