141 | all kinds of love

Start from the beginning

    The two stared at each other until they couldn't hold it anymore and began to laugh.

    ❝we'll talk about it later, Remy, don't forget that❞ she pointed her finger at him before standing up towards the bed with the bag.

    ❝and that's my cue to go❞ Remus muttered, standing up to walk to wards the door, but not before going to her and wrapping his arms around her tightly.

    They were silent, but it was one of those moments where words didn't have to be shared. It was peaceful that way.

    ❝thank you❞ she whispered as they needed the hug, looking down to not her eyes watered because of the emotion.

    ❝thank you❞ Remus imitated her, smiling gently ❝today is the day, are you ready?❞ he asked as his smile was becoming wider. She raised her head, giving him an equal same smile.

❝I'm ready❞ she answered, turning her body to the mirror as her eyes fell into the dress hanged up in the closet next to her.

Samantha exhaled, smiling at the idea of the future. Her hands were shaking, and so were her legs, arms, chest, heart. But she wasn't shaking because she was nervous or afraid, she was shaking because she was excited.

She was alone in the room because she had ask for a moment in private. She wasn't going to rethink her decision, she just needed to breath.

Her back was pressed against the wall, sending chills through her soon because of the temperature of it. She rested her head back, looking at the ceiling. She exhaled slowly and smiled a little, tucking a string of hair behind her ear.

❝I know you said that you were always here, even though I couldn't see you❞ she whispered, pursing her lips ❝if you're really here then you probably know what is going on❞ she smiled lightly, nodding at her own words ❝I'm going to do it...I'm going to marry Sirius Black❞

A soft chuckled escaped her lips, and she had to put a hand on her mouth. She didn't want the people outside to think she was losing her mind, but she felt like a teenager again. A school girl who had just received her first kiss and was trying to keep it secret from her girlfriends. She exhaled, dropping her hand by her side.

❝I uhm...I just wanted you to be the first ones to know❞ she smiled softly, lowering her gaze.

    Her dress was nicely wrapped around her body, and even though it was white, she had added a small purple diamond rose in the center of the belt. It was the right fit.

    ❝There's not a day that I pass that I don't think of you❞ she pursed her lips, interlacing her hands together ❝that is why I wanted to thank you...thank you for being there for me, for loving me, for just...being in my life❞

    Samantha stood straight, walking away from the wall and positioned herself in front of the door. She smiled, exhaling the last bit of bad memories that were trapped within her.

    ❝I should've taken your advice a long time ago, but it's better late than never, right?❞

    Her hand gripped the handle and with a last look at the mirror next to her, she opened the door. Not seeing the light silhouettes on the other end.

The room was silent as she walked out a calmed paced, leaving a floral sent in the hallway. Finally, she reached the stairs and slowly descended, feeling two pairs of eyes on her.

   When she got to the end of the stairs, Jason and Remus smiled at her, wearing their tuxedos. She returned it, a little more nervously.

    ❝ready, Samantha?❞ Jason asked, raising his eyebrows.

Samantha inhaled, looking at the door that lead outside to the small ceremony they had organized. She exhaled, turning to se the two men and nodded.

❝more than ready❞ she replied, this time giving them a more loose and relaxed smile.

    Jason walked first in the narrow hallway, then Samantha and at the end Remus. The moment her brother opened the door, she hear the music playing. People stood up and turn to their direction. Even though her nerves were starting to raise, she still let out a smile.

    Taking both of their arms, the three began to walk towards the ceremony. And when they arrived at the aisle, she looked up, only to lock eyes with Sirius.

    The two instantly smiled, and as she walked down the aisle, they didn't looked away from each other. Right now, they were the only ones in the world.

    She let out a small breath as Jason gave her a kiss on the cheek, then Remus, who took her hand and guided her to Sirius. The two walked to their position with the grooms, who consisted on them and Harry.

    Sirius took her hand and with the smile intact in his face, he walked her to the center. Then, the ceremony began.

    While the words were being said, as the people looked at the couple, the music was softly playing in the background and the breeze softly touched their skins, Samantha realized something.

Her whole life was driven by love.

    There were many times in her life where she thought she was all alone in the universe. Those nights were the death of her, where she felt lost and loveless. She let the bad thoughts invade her head, those little voices telling her everyone was better off without her, but that wasn't the real case.

    Without love, she would've hit rock bottom a long time ago. Without love, her life wouldn't be the same. People went through life not knowing what love was, but not her.

    There were all kinds of love out there, and she had experienced them all.

    In her mind, she was one of the luckiest people in the world entire world. She not only had a soulmate by her side, but she also had a family, and friends.

Throughout her life, Samantha thought that there was only one type of love at a time, but she utterly and completely wrong. She didn't realized that the whole time, she was surrounded by love.

As she looked around, she felt it. That spark of light and happiness that had been driving her to keep going. From the ones that were there and the ones who were no longer with them. Love was all the same, strong, powerful, fulling you to the top, surrounding you.

    ❝...and do you, Samantha Castle, accept Sirius Black as your husband, in all good and bad, in sickness and health?❞

    ❝I do❞ she answered without hesitation, turning to see Sirius and smiling truly at him.

    As Samantha leaned over and gave him a kiss to close the beginning of another chapter, she couldn't help but let her mind go over what had brought her there.

    It all started with a simple letter, where she tried to express what she felt in words. If you would have told her that she would be marrying the boy she so much dreamed of, she would have raised her eyebrows and patted your shoulder, because life was simply not like that.

    The flower that was their friendship had bloom, and was the most delightful of all the garden. After all, the purple roses were not common, they were rare and if you were lucky enough to find one, it would stay with you forever.

    Samantha smiled at Sirius because she knew that she had not only his heart, and he had hers, but it was them against the world. It would take more than a prison cell and bad relationships to tear them apart. The flower that was their relationship was stronger that what it seem.

He was red, vibrant, chaotic, a hurricane. She was blue, delicate, calm, an ocean. Together, they made a beautiful disaster, and at the center of all chaos, a small yet steady and powerful little roses, each representing a pillar that made them who they were. A bouquet of purple roses.

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