103 | a little happiness

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

Did you know that I'm capable of multitasking? Because I didn't, not properly, at least.

I have been doing it a lot lately,
and it's helpful to say the least.

Since Harry was born, I take some time after work to help Lily and James.
While you, Remus and Peter do the house chores, I take care of him and
let the two sleep. They take naps
and then come back with us.

Who would know that a tiny baby required so much work?

I have taken so many pictures,
I can already fill multiple albums.
It's okay, I love to capture our memories. This is the little happiness that has been shining through our
lives lately.

Harry is such a sweet baby, and if it was up to me, I could carry him all day.
I have never seen James so happy before, maybe it's because he knows
he's going to be with Lily forever, and that makes him joyful. His dream came true, after all.

There are so many babies to love and take care of!

Besides Harry and Ellie, I have been visiting Neville. Also, remember about
a boy I told you a couple of years ago that was looking for a gift for his girlfriend? Well, turns out he works in the ministry as well, and he told me he has a new baby too!

His name is Arthur, and he invited me
to meet his family after a long chatting, although I had met her wife when we ran into each other. I'm meeting their kids soon, so I'm excited. Hopefully they see me as an aunt, I just love the idea of visiting and giving them gifts.

Work has been stressful, but I manage. They're all paranoid and afraid each day, people are disappearing at a alarming rate. Sometimes I don't even want to go to work because I'm afraid something might happen.

You haven't been all good either, I know.
Your work has been stressful too,
and I noticed you have been analyzing everyone. When I asked you about it, your answer was that you suspect someone's a spy in the Order.

We kept that to ourselves, of course,
and we promised each other to be extra careful, not leaving each other's side and practicing defense in an unexpected time, just to know what we can do
in case of emergency.

I don't like to see you this way,
but I can't blame you. It can't
all be pink inside our own world,
I understand.

You're not the only one that has been doing it, of course not. As time progresses, minds change and someone might had been influenced to
change sides.

I don't want to believe it, but it
would be ignorant of me not to.
Deep down I know that's meant
to happen.

I have to go now,
I need to sleep and go to bed before
you realize I'm gone.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.
I love you.



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