126 | teenage fantasy

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    Samantha rested her head against the couch, sighing

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    Samantha rested her head against the couch, sighing. She raised her hand to put the hair out of her face, then crossed her legs. She was so tired, but her sleeping schedule had been really messed up.

    She took a present and began to wrap it without magic, it was more therapeutic that way. The soft music had been playing in the background, and the decorations for the holiday were adorning the living room.

    For the first time in a couple of days, she was home alone. After the incident with Jasper, she had been unconscious on the floor due to the head trauma.

    It wasn't until nightfall that she was discovered. Remus was banging on her door for a good amount of time. Once he realized she wasn't answering the door, he felt something was wrong and forced the entrance. He found her on the floor with bloody hands, her neck had marks around it, and the side of her head was bleeding.

    He immediately took her to the hospital and when she woke up, he didn't left her side. When she explained what had happened, he wanted to go and find Jasper, ready to hurt him, but she didn't let him, she didn't want another one of her family members locked away.

    Remus didn't left her side for the rest of the days, she was either at his place or he was at hers. But today he had an interview for a job, and even though he didn't want to leave her, she promised she would be alright, and if anything happened, she would call straight away.

    So there she was, trying to feel better by wrapping presents, due to the holiday being in a couple of days. The whole floor had been scattered with presents and tags, making sure to get everyone.

   Samantha was wrapping more presents when she realized she had run out of wrapping paper. Groaning lightly, she put everything to the side and stood up. It was saturday afternoon, and the sun was going to set down soon. There was no other way she could had spend the day.

    Slowly, she went upstairs and went to her room, she was sure that in her closet there was more paper.

    Once she reached the closet doors, she opened them and let her eyes look for what she needed. She took the small latter leaning against the wall and went up, moving away a few boxes.

❝There you are❞ she whispered, finding the paper at the far end. When she took the cylinders, her eyes couldn't stop staring at the light purple box in front of her.

Samantha let down the papers and gulped, extending her arms to get the box. Her hands were shaking a little once they made contact with the cold cardboard. With a firm grip, she took the box and began descending from the latter.

    She took a few steps backwards and turn around to sit on her bed, letting down the box. Taking a deep breath in, she opened it, not noticing a small smile appearing in her face.

Purple Roses ° Sirius Black ✓Where stories live. Discover now