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    Samantha walked into the Ministry with her head high

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    Samantha walked into the Ministry with her head high. Since the announcement of the breaking of Azkaban, she had become one of the topics around, specially at her workplace. She knew people talked behind her back, of how she was conspiring with the "murderer" and how she wanted to destroy everyone. Samantha just smiled at them and continued walking.

    She took the elevator, ignoring the glances people gave her. Some even took a step back from her, fearing that she might snap. Being the girlfriend of a fugitive made you have a reputation.

    Stepping in her floor, she walked past the many door and offices, occasionally smiling at the posters of her boyfriend. It was the only updated picture she could see of him, maybe it wasn't the best, but something was enough.

Samantha entered her office, seeing multiple letters in her desk. She sighed and took a sit, opening the first one with her godson's handwriting.

    Harry wrote to her about his classes and what had been happening, also telling her that he forgot to ask for her signature for hogsmead. Then he wrote that apparently a hippogriff had attack Draco Malfoy, it wasn't life threading, barely giving him a scratch, but Hagrid had to go to trial for the consequences. He asked if she could do anything about it, and she was going to try her best.

The last part of the letter caught her attention, he was asking about Sirius, making her heart wrench. She had try and tell Harry the full story of what happened, but she could never finish, because it always left her sad. The times she told him about Sirius, she made sure he knew he was not guilty, but she knew many people would try to convince him otherwise.

The other letters belonged to Remus and the other officials. She answered Harry's and Remus' letters, not noticing the folded note at the end of the stack.

The day went as normal as it could go, with the usual tranquility, yet the fear and worryness still loomed over her head. She tried to remain calm, but deep in her heart, she wanted to run and look for Sirius, but the thing was that if she found him, there was a big possibility that they would too.

She stood up, taking a few papers with her, she was going to the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to see if she could do something for Hagrid. Trying to organize as best as possible all the stacks of paper, she moved everything, letting her eyes fall in a folded note.

    She furrowed her eyebrows, not recognizing it. Maybe it was from someone in her department or it fell from a package. Her hand took the note, letting go of the stuff in her arm.

Samantha looked around to see if someone was watching her, she had to be precautious everywhere. Once she saw no danger, she unfolded the note, a smile growing in her face.

   I hope you're well, my love.
I miss you everyday, and always I'm close to you, don't forget that.
I love you, S.

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